Spirotherapy: what is this breathing technique that allows (among other things) to better digest?

Spirotherapy what is this breathing technique that allows among other

A method based on breathing techniques derived (in particular) from yoga, spirotherapy improves well-being and oxygenation, calms down or regains energy… we tell you all about this simple and powerful technique. . As we know, breathing is at the heart of life, and accompanies us “from our first to our last breath.” However, even if … Read more

What is the O method, the magical sexual technique that fascinates TikTok?

The detonating Silence of Falk Richter

If you’re on TikTok, you might have heard of the “O method,” which is to use its sexual energy to get what you want, in and out of the bedroom. It is a form of manifestation, a method inspired by the law of attraction, which invites us to put the odds on our side so … Read more

Meditation: which technique to choose for yourself?

Meditation which technique to choose for yourself

A common misconception about meditation is that all of its forms and techniques produce roughly the same results. However, this is an overgeneralization. The mental procedures used by different traditions and schools of meditation are quite dissimilar. And recent scientific research has verified that these different ways of meditating activate different areas of our brain. … Read more

4-7-8 method: a calming breathing technique in the most stressful moments

The detonating Silence of Falk Richter

When you’re having trouble falling asleep, there’s a simple breathing technique you can use to calm your mind and body in just minutes. Known as the 4-7-8 breathing method, this relaxing breathing technique was developed by Andrew Weil, MD, professor of medicine and public health. The 4-7-8 breathing technique comes from the ancient yogic tradition … Read more

Method 369: how to use this technique that claims to make our dreams come true?

Method 369 how to use this technique that claims to

Method 369 is the personal development practice from the moment. It spreads on social networks where it seduces young people in search of success. So, yet another unfounded practice or really effective concept? Element of response with a psychotherapist. The 369 method, what is it? Latest trend in personal development, the method 369 is inspired … Read more

Escape An Anxiety Attack With This 5-Step Mindfulness Technique

Escape An Anxiety Attack With This 5 Step Mindfulness Technique

Have you ever had one of those moments when a stressful thought floods your mind and suddenly you can’t think of anything else? While for some people anxiety is transient and part of everyday life, others may suffer from anxiety disorders that expose them to persistent feelings of fear, dread or unease. As Inserm explains … Read more

Manifest dating: what is this miracle technique to find the love that is all the rage? – Grazia

10 good reasons to eat figs So Busy Girls

Should we trust the law of attraction to find love? The concept that it would suffice to desire something very strongly to attract it to oneself may seem completely surreal to the most Cartesian, but 71% of French people firmly believe in the power of positive visualization. According to a survey conducted by the dating … Read more

Diabète : cette technique ultra simple aide à réduire la glycémie

Diabete cette technique ultra simple aide a reduire la

L’ESSENTIEL Le diabète de type 2 correspond à une hyperglycémie : un excès de sucre dans le sang. 90 % des personnes diabétiques sont atteintes de cette forme de la maladie. Le diabète de type 2 peut avoir des conséquences sur la santé artérielle, rénale et oculaire. Notre santé mentale contribue … Read more

Diabetes: this ultra-simple technique helps reduce blood sugar

Diabetes this ultra simple technique helps reduce blood sugar

THE ESSENTIAL Type 2 diabetes is hyperglycemia: excess sugar in the blood. 90% of people with diabetes have this form of the disease. Type 2 diabetes can affect arterial, kidney and eye health. Our mental health contributes to our physical health. By improving our psychological well-being, we can reduce the risk … Read more

Abusive telephone canvassing: the technique of this retiree scares away more than one

Why Companies Should Offer Meditation Classes to All Employees

Who has never received phone calls from these sales people hiding behind the phone trying to sell their product at all costs? or downright the scammers who are looking for the fault to extract funds? Sometimes weary, some do not hesitate to let it ring or disconnect their line. But for others like Georges Briand, … Read more