Method 369: how to use this technique that claims to make our dreams come true?

Method 369 is the personal development practice from the moment. It spreads on social networks where it seduces young people in search of success. So, yet another unfounded practice or really effective concept? Element of response with a psychotherapist.

The 369 method, what is it?

Latest trend in personal development, the method 369 is inspired by the law of attraction. Just like its big sister, it is based on the Positive thought and the concept ofdemonstrating”. This umpteenth anglicism, which means “manifest” in French, consists in seeing the glass half full rather than half empty. All while very much hoping that this state of mind will have a positive effect on our, even in crisis situation.“It was invented and conceptualized by a Karin Yee, a youtuber who runs the youtube channel and the site Choosing Gratitudeshe talks a lot about the law of attraction”, Explain Ondine Khayatpsychotherapist and author of the book The scent of exile at Editions Charleston.

“It is based on the idea that what we experience is created by our thoughts and feelings”, summarizes the expert. The method 369 reappeared on Tiktok where she has become very popular. But in reality, it does not date from yesterday. “It is mentioned and popularized in 2006 in the book with worldwide success The Secret by Rhonda Byrne”, recalls Ondine Khayat. But unlike the law of attraction, this method is mainly based on the notion of writing.You must not only think, but also write your positive thoughts by applying rules drawn from numerology.she summarizes.

The numbers 3, 6 and 9 are indeed no coincidence since they are important in numerology. The number three would connect us to the universe, the six would symbolize the strength of our being, and the nine would emancipate us from doubt while allowing us togo forward.

Before going further, you should know that this technique would apply, according to its followers, to all areas of life. Provided simply that we have a deep desire for it. And if in theory it seems rather simple, even simplistic, its application is a little less so.

“You have to start by defining a desire that really drives us, then you have to write it down 3 times in the morning, 6 times in the afternoon and 9 times in the evening, all between 33 and 45 days”, summarizes the specialist. But be careful not to write it vaguely. It has to be an affirmation, as if the wish had already happened. “If you want move in with your partner in a house, for example, you have to write ‘I really like living in this house with him or her, it brings me security and comfort’ for example”, explains the expert.

To increase your chances, visualize very strongly the desire that its acquisition would cause in you. You can apply the 369 method in lovein friendship, in your professional life, etc.

The notion of concentration is also at the heart of this personal development technique, since each affirmation must be written for 17 seconds. According to speaker Abraham-Hicks this is the time it would take to be in a true state of manifestation.

The virtues that can be drawn from this method of personal development

The opinion on method 369 are very divergent. For good reason, it is necessary to remember that it is not based on any scientific basis. Its effectiveness is therefore highly questionable. On the other hand, we can recognize that it is possible to draw some positive effects from it beyond the realization of our “dream”.

It allows you to focus your attention on a real desire and it is not a refusal. “We live in a time when it is very difficult to know what we really want. Taking the time to identify what you really want can be very beneficial”adds the psychotherapist.

In an era where almost everything is ephemeral, maintaining the same desire for 45 days is on the verge of a miracle. A way to pause all the information that surrounds us to to be happy and get back to basics: our own well-being. “People who use it make choices among all their desires and really choose the one they want to see materialize”adds the psychotherapist.

Finally, even if the dream does not come true as quickly as we would like, if we drastically apply this method, all our attention will be directed towards this dream. It will therefore have a better chance of happening than if we don’t think about it.

Realizing your dreams: does the 369 method really work?

Even if the social networks are packed, this technique is to be taken with tweezers. No, magic does not exist and the method 369 is not witchcraft.

“This method has spread too quickly and some people make it the solution to all dreams”, points out Ondine Khayat. For good reason, we can very quickly fall into the positivity toxic entrusting all our dreams to this practice. Because no, it’s not all about three figures. “When you have a desire and desires, it’s important to work to implement them. It is not with a concept of personal development that we will get there”, insists the expert.

To avoid putting all your hopes on the back of this method, it is essential to properly assimilate the notion of conjunction. In other words, associate it with real personal effort. You want meet love ? In addition to applying this method, go out and meet people! Want to buy theapart of your dreams ? Break down the ads and put some money aside!

In short, like everything related to personal development, it is essential to take the necessary step back regarding this technique. But nothing prevents you from applying it while putting all the chances on your side to achieve your dreams.

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Method 369: how to use this technique that claims to make our dreams come true?

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