Christmas 2022: these 5 techniques to manage your stress before the holidays!

Christmas 2022 these 5 techniques to manage your stress before

Christmas often brings a lot of stress. During the festivities; one tends to have anguish for futile things. But how to do it ? Christmas is now fast approaching. You will have to think about your gifts for your family. And if you start to stress, we give you some techniques to manage your stress … Read more

Christmas: 5 simple techniques to control holiday stress

Christmas 5 simple techniques to control holiday stress

THE ESSENTIAL More than 4 out of 10 parents of young children say they are anxious about the end-of-year celebrations (Ipsos/Qare 2022 survey). Women are more stressed during the Christmas period than men (39% vs 27%). Buying gifts, decorating the tree and the house, doing the shopping, preparing a Christmas meal … Read more

Prendre confiance et oser lancer son projet : 5 techniques clés utilisés par Steve Jobs pour y parvenir

4 dumb tips for creating a profitable newsletter

Cela fait plusieurs semaines que ça dure, voire plusieurs mois. Voilà déjà quelques années, que cette idée tourne en boucle dans votre tête. Que vous êtes porteur de cette vision et que vous y croyez au plus profond de vous… Depuis que l’idée vous a traversé l’esprit, vous n’avez plus cessé d’y penser. De là … Read more

Bishop Daddy Schekina: The Holy Spirit in action or “techniques”?

Bishop Daddy Schekina The Holy Spirit in action or techniques

This boy weaves his web with two gigantic spaces in Abidjan. One in Bessikoi behind Angré, and the other at Km17 at the exit of Yopougon. This space is not yet built. For the moment, it is a huge tarp deployed, which can shelter 60,000 people according to those around the man. The purchase of … Read more

Fall asleep quickly: Here are 5 techniques to spend a quiet night without sleep problems

Fall asleep quickly Here are 5 techniques to spend a

It’s normal to take about 10-20 minutes to drift off to sleep. However, if you’ve ever struggled with insomnia, you might be wondering how to fall asleep fast. Although your specific characteristics and needs may influence your habits, putting a few proven methods into practice can ensure a calm and restorative night. We are going … Read more

The “Chloris” exhibition promotes artisanal techniques

The Chloris exhibition promotes artisanal techniques

The “Chloris” exhibition will be inaugurated on September 16 at Vy Gallery, 1er district, Ho Chi Minh City. The exhibition will present the works of Pham Tuân Ngoc made with a completely new photographic technique in Vietnam: lumen printing. >> An exhibition pays tribute to theao dai Vietnamese >> Exhibition “Whisper” – confessions of young … Read more