Air, Earth, Water, Fire: your compatibility in love according to the astrological elements – Elle

Air Earth Water Fire your compatibility in love according to

Did you know: your astrological sign or sun sign is not the only detail capable of telling you more about your love compatibilities. Astrology is a wide world. A subtle art that reveals your potential, your strengths, your faults, your dreams, your ambitions or even who are the people with whom you get along the … Read more

Crash du Rio-Paris : aucune condamnation requise contre Airbus et Air France

Judo A mixed Champions League for Agbegnenou Dicko and Riner

La colère des parties civiles était palpable, mercredi 7 décembre, après l’annonce des réquisitions du parquet dans le procès du crash du Rio-Paris. Treize ans après le drame, dans lequel 228 personnes ont trouvé la mort, le parquet n’a pas requis la condamnation d’Airbus, ni d’Air France. Selon lui, il n’y a eu aucun « manquement » ni « négligence » en « lien direct » avec la catastrophe. La culpabilité des entreprises « nous … Read more

Un air des Années folles à Saint-Céré – Fragil – Culture, société, initiatives citoyennes

Un air des Annees folles a Saint Cere Fragil

Maurice Yvain (1891-1965) comme Raoul Moretti (1893-1954) avaient une vingtaine d’années durant la première guerre mondiale ; les deux compositeurs ont créé dès le début des années 20 des opérettes pleines de rythme et d’imagination, en réaction au désastre. Ils inventent des mondes audacieux où tout est possible, dans le bonheur d’une inconséquence fragile mais nécessaire. … Read more

Air, Earth, Fire, Water: what is your dominant element… and above all, what difference does it make? – Here is

The 5 tools you need to succeed according to Harvard

Why do some zodiac signs look so similar? The dominant element of your sign will tell you more about your temperament! Each of the twelve astrological signs correspond to one of the four elements, Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Love compatibility, stable or fiery temperamentdiscover more about your character by taking into account the dominant … Read more

Well-being – Doing yoga with the family and in the open air is possible in Lussat in Creuse

Well being Doing yoga with the family and in the

Yoga sessions at the Landes pond, at the Gouzon golf course or at the Clautre farm in Bord-Saint-Georges. Myriam Touchard chooses original places connected to nature to give her lessons. “Most of the time, I do it outdoors,” she says. It is ideal to be outside. We enjoy nature, vegetation, the sound of birds, the … Read more

Introduction of Yoga Club at Bel Air SSS – Arpana Cahoolessur: “I wish every public school had its club”

A Yoga Club has been born within the Bel Air SSS since June 9th. The initiative goes to Arpana Cahoolessur, the Head of Department of Sociology, who is a great yoga enthusiast. Its goal: to introduce Yoga Clubs in all schools on the island. “Young people are too absorbed by the digital world and this … Read more

Air, Earth, Water or Fire signs: what is your element in astrology?

Air Earth Water or Fire signs what is your element

Astrology is related to human life. The ancient texts of this discipline say that man is stardust. This sacred language is centered in the interpretation of movements of the planetsbut did you know that each celestial body has an element that connects it to our planet Earth? Astrology is a discipline that asserts that every … Read more