Incivility of middle school students on public roads: advocacy for the introduction of a tailor-made program

Incivility of middle school students on public roads advocacy for

Cases of incivility involving college students on the public highway continue to increase. Two videos, one showing a fight between college students and the other a college student being assaulted by police, went around the web earlier this week. Basheer Taleb, the president of the Federation of Union of Managers, proposes the creation of a … Read more

Introduction of Yoga Club at Bel Air SSS – Arpana Cahoolessur: “I wish every public school had its club”

A Yoga Club has been born within the Bel Air SSS since June 9th. The initiative goes to Arpana Cahoolessur, the Head of Department of Sociology, who is a great yoga enthusiast. Its goal: to introduce Yoga Clubs in all schools on the island. “Young people are too absorbed by the digital world and this … Read more