Ésotérisme. L’astrologie et le tarot au service de votre carrière ?

Esoterisme Lastrologie et le tarot au service de votre carriere

La journaliste Lucy Thackray a pris rendez-vous avec Annie Ridout pour une consultation et raconte son expérience dans les pages de The Independent. Annie Ridout est coach de vie et conseillère en carrière. Pour elle, “la magie est la clé du succès”. Elle sort un jeu de tarot, Lucy Thackray, très sceptique, pioche une carte qui … Read more

Tarot, astrology, palmistry… The return of the witches of well-being

Tarot astrology palmistry… The return of the witches of well being

On certain evenings, this café in the 18th arrondissement of Paris hosts a curious Sabbath. People come to have their cards drawn or their palms read in a gentle atmosphere. As if esotericism had the power to re-enchant the world. It’s a Friday night like any other Cafe Countersort. Like every weekend for two years, … Read more

The secret history of the tarot between sects, art and divination

The secret history of the tarot between sects art and

A tool for modern-day sorcerers’ apprentices and an instrument for personal development, the tarot enjoys undeniable popularity today. However, this has not always been the case. Praised by secret societies, sects of all kinds and some mystical Freemasons, this game could have ended up in oblivion if it had not become the prerogative of many … Read more

Tarology, cartomancy: what is the difference between a tarot and an oracle? – She

Judo A mixed Champions League for Agbegnenou Dicko and Riner

Maps have always fascinated. More than beautiful objects to collect, tarot cards and oracles are unstoppable divination aids. Cartomancy and tarology are two arts that shed light on the future through the interpretation of a message delivered by the cards. Colourful, in black and white, traditional, committed… There is now a very wide range of … Read more

Tarot de Marseille, Oracles: is cartomancy reliable? – Here is

Tarot de Marseille Oracles is cartomancy reliable Here is

Have you always dreamed of drawing cards but you don’t know if this divinatory art is really reliable? Here is everything you need to know about cartomancy before you start! Used for millennia, cartomancy is one of the most questionable divinatory arts… but also the most reliable. The domains of predictions can be very large. … Read more

Tarot : les 13 jeux de cartes les plus étonnants pour prédire votre avenir

Tarot les 13 jeux de cartes les plus etonnants

“L’art du tarot est de recevoir tout naturellement à l’esprit des images, des renseignements, des directives, de les enregistrer instantanément puis de les exprimer avec des mots”, lit-on sur la notice de l’Ancien Tarot de Marseille de Grimaud, maître cartier depuis 1848. 78 lames (les Arcanes), représentent chacune les clefs symboliques des lois universelles pour … Read more

Tarot et oracles : aux frontières du développement personnel, de la littérature et de la pédagogie – Impact Campus

Tarot et oracles aux frontieres du developpement personnel de

Mettons d’emblée quelque chose au clair : vous n’aurez pas affaire, dans cet article, à une spécialiste du tarot ou des oracles. Je n’aurai pas non plus la prétention de faire comme si. Pour tout dire, ma relation au tarot et aux oracles est toute neuve. Neuve, récente même, comme dans « je me sers de … Read more

In Dieppe, lovers of clairvoyance, numerology and tarot have an appointment at the casino

In Dieppe lovers of clairvoyance numerology and tarot have an

From Friday November 11 to Sunday November 13, 2022, the Dieppe casino and its small theater are hosting a stage of the Clairvoyance Weekends. The name brings together different disciplines of the divinatory arts. Patrick Sardais, numerologist and tarologist, presents his career and his professions. Weekends of clairvoyance stop in Dieppe from Friday November 11 … Read more

[VIDEO] Covid-19: clairvoyance, astrology, divinatory tarot… was the pandemic predictable?

Why was a health crisis of such magnitude not “seen” or predicted? Difficult to translate it in these terms, but we realize today that certain signs were not deceiving… To this question that the whole world is entitled to ask, “Was the Covid-19 pandemic predictable?two astrologers, a clairvoyant, a computer giant, a drawing of divinatory … Read more