Tarology, cartomancy: what is the difference between a tarot and an oracle? – She

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Maps have always fascinated. More than beautiful objects to collect, tarot cards and oracles are unstoppable divination aids. Cartomancy and tarology are two arts that shed light on the future through the interpretation of a message delivered by the cards. Colourful, in black and white, traditional, committed… There is now a very wide range of … Read more

Tarot de Marseille, Oracles: is cartomancy reliable? – Here is

Tarot de Marseille Oracles is cartomancy reliable Here is

Have you always dreamed of drawing cards but you don’t know if this divinatory art is really reliable? Here is everything you need to know about cartomancy before you start! Used for millennia, cartomancy is one of the most questionable divinatory arts… but also the most reliable. The domains of predictions can be very large. … Read more