Tarology, cartomancy: what is the difference between a tarot and an oracle? – She

Judo A mixed Champions League for Agbegnenou Dicko and Riner

Maps have always fascinated. More than beautiful objects to collect, tarot cards and oracles are unstoppable divination aids. Cartomancy and tarology are two arts that shed light on the future through the interpretation of a message delivered by the cards. Colourful, in black and white, traditional, committed… There is now a very wide range of … Read more

The oracle of synchronicities by Etan Ilfed published by Trajectoire –

The oracle of synchronicities by Etan Ilfed published by Trajectoire

Etan Ilfed is fascinated by the power of the imagination and symbolism and this is how he imagined The Oracle of Synchronicities published by Trajectoire editions. A very beautiful divinatory box to offer (or to offer oneself). The Oracle of Synchronicities And if a oracle revealed to you the essential meanings concealed in the coincidences … Read more