Halloween. 10 jeux de société pour frémir de plaisir

Halloween 10 jeux de societe pour fremir de plaisir

C’est bientôt Halloween. Une sélection de 10 jeux de société pour passer une soirée effrayante et palpitante. Halloween Halloween, c’est dans deux semaines. Les jeux de société sont un moyen facile et immersif de vivre une soirée d’Halloween inquiétante, effrayante. Pour les fans de films, de séries, de livres, de jeux d’horreur, Halloween est la soirée … Read more

John Dee, ancestor of James Bond: the very first 007 was a 16th century scientist

John Dee ancestor of James Bond the very first 007

The historian Viviane Perret answered the question of Anaïs who wondered, in the emission of the P’tis boats “why is James Bond called 007?“. That is, where does its creator Ian Fleming found the idea for this number? From the books and films, it is known that he represents James Bond’s license to kill and … Read more

Benin: Discovering “Ifâ”, the divinatory art of the Gulf of Guinea!

Benin Discovering Ifa the divinatory art of the Gulf of

Like a galaxy, the voodoo is a group of several planets that share a key element, space. In Benin, the planets of vodoun are the innumerable deities who animate it and the key element they have all in byfloor is “Ifâ” in Yoruba or simply the “Fâ” in Fon. Since the dawn of time, this … Read more

5 things that might surprise you when you arrive in Istanbul

5 things that might surprise you when you arrive in rotated

Going abroad is always synonymous with a change of scenery and the discovery of another culture, different lifestyles and habits… But then, what would be the things likely to challenge you during a getaway or settling in Istanbul? Lepetitjournal.com Istanbul offers you a non-exhaustive top 5. The omnipresence of stray cats and dogs You will … Read more

Mercuer – A school of numerology in the village

NBA 10 good reasons to follow the Sacramento Kings this

In southern Ardèche, L’Alchimiste des Numéros is making its third comeback. For a year, Isabelle Lefebvre teaches her students a divinatory art less known than astrology in France. Did you say esoteric? They come from all walks of life. From the four corners of France, from Brussels to Belgium, from Australia even to learn numerology … Read more

Astrology: This month of October is hellish for these 4 horoscope signs, is yours one of them?

Horoscope 2022 your astrological forecasts sign by sign from April

The horoscope for the month of October is available. Consult it without further delay to find out what astrology says about your sign! There always comes a time in our lives when we feel ready to make changes. Most of the time, October is the most coveted month to start a new project. However, such … Read more