Robin Renucci offers at the Criée de Marseille, a renewed and exciting Oblomov

Robin Renucci offers at the Criee de Marseille a renewed

Robert Renucci creates at the Criée de Marseille Oblomov and offers a new reading of the novel through a play with sharp aesthetics. The viewer’s experience is a tender and uplifting journey into a man’s psyche. Renucci was appointed director of the national drama center les tréteaux de France in 2011. Recently he created a … Read more

Third trend of the 366/BVA study: Together but different! – Influence

Third trend of the 366BVA study Together but different

The woman does the shopping, the cooking and the dishes. The man prepares the barbecue. This caricatural staging of daily life was at the heart of a violent controversy in the summer of 2022, following a speech by the ecologist Sandrine Rousseau. The elected one urged to changing mentality so that eating a steak cooked … Read more

dimanche 8 janvier 2023 – Église catholique en France

Yoga of sound when singing takes a relaxing turn

DEUXIEME LECTURE – Ephésiens 3, 2…6 Frères,2 vous avez appris, je pense,en quoi consiste la grâce que Dieu m’a donnée pour vous :3 par révélation, il m’a fait connaître le mystère.Ce mystère n’avait pas été porté à la connaissancedes hommes des générations passées,comme il a été révélé maintenantà ses saints Apôtres et aux prophètes,dans l’Esprit.Ce … Read more

what does it mean ?

We drink it, we bathe in it, it falls from the sky… Water, a founding element, is omnipresent in our daily lives. It is therefore logical that we often dream of it, in very different forms. Analysis and interpretation with the help of Simone Berno, specialist and author of the “Magic Power of Dreams”*. Along … Read more