Dream interpretation: 15 most frequent dreams deciphered

Dream interpretation 15 most frequent dreams deciphered

+ Sexual energy, life drives, structure of the chain of life, desire, knowledge, remedy – Dichotomy between desire and expression, fear or refusal of sexuality and behaviors related to sexuality, lack of love and humanity, aggressive sexual energy Snake dreams are very common in teenagers and adults. These dreams are very powerful and leave a … Read more

Dream Interpretation: What Lies Behind Our Erotic Dreams

Dreams decipher 7 recurring symbols

Psychologies: Do sexual dreams have a sexual meaning? Tristan-Frederic Moir: Not necessarily. You should never take your dreams in the first degree. Often, when it comes to sexuality, they don’t talk about it. And when it’s apparently out of the question at all, they can talk about it. Most of the time, sexual dreams depict … Read more

Burkina Faso: after his putsch, Captain Traoré dreams of being a new Sankara

Burkina Faso after his putsch Captain Traore dreams of being

Captain Ibrahim Traoré attends a ceremony organized for the 35th anniversary of the assassination of former revolutionary President Thomas Sankara, in Ouagadougou, on October 15, 2022. OLYMPIA DE MAISMONT / AFP The final act of the coup was dispatched on the sly. Friday, October 21, Captain Ibrahim Traoré, instigator of the putsch which overthrew Lieutenant-Colonel … Read more

Interpretation of dreams: how to decipher them yourself?

Interpretation of dreams how to decipher them yourself

1 – Understand the different types of dreams Enrich your life by becoming the interpreter of our dreams. Such is the invitation in the form of a challenge launched by the ethnopsychiatrist Tobie Nathan in his latest book. For Freud, the dream was the expression and the realization (masked and deformed) of a repressed desire … Read more

Sleep: how to interpret our dreams and nightmares?

Sleep how to interpret our dreams and nightmares

In let’s talk again, the unreleased podcast of the show Let’s talk together, Paul Delair and Caroline Dublanche return with a clear head to the testimonies heard in the program broadcast each evening on RTL. In one of the episodes, it is about dreams, nightmares and their meanings. In the issue of September 5, Régine … Read more

3 recurring dreams that reveal your level of anxiety.

Star Academy what happened to Carine Haddadou candidate for the

Most people have dreams, and almost everyone has ever wondered what their dreams mean. A recent study looked at dream content to see if it was possible to identify any links between dream content and anxiety levels. The study found that three themes were associated with higher levels of anxiety: fear of death or injury, … Read more

What dreams of being shot really mean, according to an expert – Noufelle EN

What dreams of being shot really mean according to an

If you wake up from a scary dream of being shot, you will definitely want to know what it means. While this nasty nightmare may just be a fleeting middle-of-the-night fear party, dream experts say it’s most likely a message from your subconscious – and one that’s definitely worth the wait. to be interpreted. “As … Read more