Dream interpretation: 15 most frequent dreams deciphered

Dream interpretation 15 most frequent dreams deciphered

+ Sexual energy, life drives, structure of the chain of life, desire, knowledge, remedy – Dichotomy between desire and expression, fear or refusal of sexuality and behaviors related to sexuality, lack of love and humanity, aggressive sexual energy Snake dreams are very common in teenagers and adults. These dreams are very powerful and leave a … Read more

Dream interpretation: the 7 most frequent symbols deciphered

Do these images haunt your dreams, a little, a lot, your nights? The story they tell you belongs to you, but each has a universal root that will give you keys to grasping its meaning. All our dreams revolve around a main image. This one, springing from the history of each one, but also borrowed … Read more

Your 7 most common dreams deciphered by Tristan Moir

Your 7 most common dreams deciphered by Tristan Moir

[VIDÉO] Have you ever dreamed about the death of your parents? Or your ex? Or want to run but only tread water? Your dreams all have meaning. It’s your subconscious talking. Tristan Moir, dream language specialist, has deciphered the 7 most common dreams. Discover the 7 dreams deciphered by Tristan Moir: It’s 7:30 am, the … Read more

10 classic dreams deciphered by a specialist

10 classic dreams deciphered by a specialist

SLEEP – Have you ever woken up from a particularly confusing dream, wondering what it could possibly mean? The famous Swiss psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung analyzed over 20,000 dreams during his career. He thought they are the key to our unconscious. The therapies recommended by practitioners and theoreticians who claim to belong to his … Read more