Why do we have to awaken the shaman who lies dormant in us? Frédéric Lenoir enlightens us – She

Why do we have to awaken the shaman who lies

SHE. Where does your interest in shamanism come from? FREDERIC LENOIR. During my doctorate in sociology, then as a researcher at the EHESS (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales) on religions, I became interested in all forms of religiosity. Shamanism is considered by historians and anthropologists to be the first religion of humanity. My … Read more

Dream Interpretation: What Lies Behind Our Erotic Dreams

Dreams decipher 7 recurring symbols

Psychologies: Do sexual dreams have a sexual meaning? Tristan-Frederic Moir: Not necessarily. You should never take your dreams in the first degree. Often, when it comes to sexuality, they don’t talk about it. And when it’s apparently out of the question at all, they can talk about it. Most of the time, sexual dreams depict … Read more

« Gaz hilarant » ou protoxyde d’azote : ce qu’il faut savoir des risques liés à son inhalation

Gaz hilarant ou protoxyde dazote ce quil

14h00 , le 2 septembre 2022 Tout le monde a déjà remarqué ces petites cartouches en inox qui jonchent depuis quelque temps certains lieux publics. Avant d’être vidées par leurs utilisateurs, elles contenaient un gaz, le protoxyde d’azote – « proto » pour les intimes – plus connu sous le nom de « gaz hilarant ». Utilisé notamment dans … Read more