Motor Show: the debutante ball

CCQUEEN presents the album Scavenger

Available in 2023, the new American electric SUV Fisker Ocean, a leisure-oriented model, announces 440 km of autonomy. Fisker Inc. New players are taking advantage of the ecological transition to conquer a rapidly changing market. Promising start-ups, exotic builders or Chinese auto giants: who would have thought that illustrious strangers could take on such a … Read more

Queen Elizabeth II seen through the Arab prism

Queen Elizabeth II seen through the Arab prism

Queen Elizabeth II with King Faisal of Iraq during an official visit in 1956. London-Victoria station. Screenshot from a video by British Pathe. Fair use. This article is written by Nasser Rabbat, guest author and director of the Aga Khan Program for Islamic Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The death of Queen … Read more

CCQUEEN presents the album Scavenger

CCQUEEN presents the album Scavenger

What importance do you attach to the story told in your album?Obviously of fundamental importance. Invariably the pieces narrate the emotional difficulties and affective sensitivities of each other in all their forms.Personal or universal difficulties, lived or fictional.The work with Daygor (draughtsman) allowed a more complex construction thanks to the imaging of characters, universes and … Read more

Sleep: how to interpret our dreams and nightmares?

Sleep how to interpret our dreams and nightmares

In let’s talk again, the unreleased podcast of the show Let’s talk together, Paul Delair and Caroline Dublanche return with a clear head to the testimonies heard in the program broadcast each evening on RTL. In one of the episodes, it is about dreams, nightmares and their meanings. In the issue of September 5, Régine … Read more

Les Européens admirent l’héroïsme de l’armée, du peuple et de l’État ukrainiens

Les Europeens admirent lheroisme de larmee du peuple et de

Nous publions la conférence inaugurale prononcée (par vidéo) le 2 octobre par l’ancien président du Conseil européen, Herman Van Rompuy, devant l’académie Mohyla de Kyïv, dont il a reçu un doctorat honoris causa. Un vibrant plaidoyer pour l’avenir européen de l’Ukraine. La guerre est malheureusement loin d’être terminée mais je vais tenter de dégager quelques … Read more

3 recurring dreams that reveal your level of anxiety.

Star Academy what happened to Carine Haddadou candidate for the

Most people have dreams, and almost everyone has ever wondered what their dreams mean. A recent study looked at dream content to see if it was possible to identify any links between dream content and anxiety levels. The study found that three themes were associated with higher levels of anxiety: fear of death or injury, … Read more