How “eco-spirituals” try to connect with the Earth to save it

1674927217 How eco spirituals try to connect with the Earth to save

“Eyes as Big as Plates” #Andreas (Norway, 2019). KAROLINE HJORTH & RIITTA IKONEN She was first a nurse, then an air traffic controller, private plane pilot, air safety analyst. Then, at 41, Florence-Marie Jégoux experienced what she calls “a beautiful inner collapse” : an ecological awareness, followed by another, “collapse”. Faced with this anguish of … Read more

ODEN: connect to the power of local plants with these French vegetable oils

ODEN connect to the power of local plants with these

What if your cosmetics were made from natural ingredients sourced in France? In 2016, Marion Weber decided to create ODEN, a brand of vegetable oils thoughts for all skin types. His particuliarity ? All the plants used are grown locally by passionate and identifiable French producers. Enough to guarantee superior quality while reducing the environmental … Read more