Building & digital twins: ecology is more than a facade

1666055972 TV program In search of eternal youth on M6 Valerie

What if we stopped turning our cities into superficial amusement parks? Yes, some facades have allure. But the vast majority of French buildings are above all thermal sieves. Faced with the disastrous environmental cost they generate, it is urgent to rethink our vision of construction to move towards a more virtuous offer. To do this, … Read more

History and Stories of Lantau, Hong Kong’s Largest Island

At 147 square kilometres, Lantau Island is the largest in Hong Kong. However, it is much less urbanized than its neighbor Hong Kong Island. His story, meanwhile, is equally interesting. Smugglers and gangsters in Hong Kong Although inhabitants are reported from the Neolithic era, it was especially in the 16th century that the development of … Read more

Could Amsterdam’s days as a cannabis capital be numbered? – News 24

Could Amsterdams days as a cannabis capital be numbered

On an average night in the De Wallen district of Amsterdam, the streets are packed with tourists – often on their worst behavior. “We’re dealing with people throwing up, screaming, peeing, pooping,” said Arjan Welles, until recently a neighborhood resident. “This part of town has only one purpose: to please tourists.” Travelers come to De … Read more

Soil law in Mayotte: “We can go further by questioning public policies”

Benedict XVI an acute sense of the liturgy

Should we go even further in the exception to Mayotte ? Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, has decided: for him, the reduction of jus soli in this department is a necessity to reduce illegal immigration to the island, particularly from the nearby Comoros, but also from countries of ‘East Africa. Traveling on the island … Read more

In search of a jihadist threat in Spain: 52 arrests and special attention for Africa

Security forces arrested 52 suspected jihadists in 25 operations in 2022most carried out by the National Police’s General Intelligence Commission, which remains on the lookout to “quickly defuse” a possible attack and closely monitors the spread of terrorism in Africa. Those responsible for the fight against jihadism in this general police station take stock of … Read more

Clint Eastwood’s Best Directed Movies To Watch – GameSpot

Clint Eastwoods Best Directed Movies To Watch GameSpot

Few actors in Hollywood history have amassed a legacy and body of work comparable to Clint Eastwoodit is. First success on the small screen on television Rawhidehe quickly transitioned to the big screen and became a household name through his work in Sergio Leone“The Dollars Trilogy”. After spending years on numerous productions, watching and learning … Read more

Why do tech executives want to have so many kids?

Why do tech executives want to have so many kids

Several influential and wealthy leaders like Elon Musk believe in a collapse in the birth rate which risks harming the future of civilization. For the tier, they want the “good people” to breed a lot. This is the subject of Numerama’s newsletter, #Rule30, written each week by journalist Lucie Ronfaut. Elon Musk loves children. More … Read more

Rétrospective 2022 : les 22 photos insolites de l’année

Retrospective 2022 les 22 photos insolites de lannee

De la neuvième vague de Covid-19 au réchauffement climatique, sans oublier la guerre en Ukraine et ses conséquences économiques et sociales, l’année 2022 aura été riche en événements dramatiques. Cependant, l’actualité de ces douze derniers mois nous a également amusé, surpris ou étonné grâce à des images drôles, incroyables ou inattendues. un tête-à-tête à bonne … Read more