Immigration : Mayotte, une terre d’exception – Outre-mer la 1ère

Immigration Mayotte une terre dexception Outre mer la 1ere

De nombreuses mesures d’exception ont été mises en place sur l’île pour faire face à une pression migratoire exceptionnelle. Au grand dam de certaines associations, qui dénoncent un “laboratoire de recul des droits”, car des mesures pourtant présentées comme particulières ont ensuite été étendues à l’ensemble de la France. Aucune des mesures du nouveau projet … Read more

Soil law in Mayotte: “We can go further by questioning public policies”

Benedict XVI an acute sense of the liturgy

Should we go even further in the exception to Mayotte ? Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, has decided: for him, the reduction of jus soli in this department is a necessity to reduce illegal immigration to the island, particularly from the nearby Comoros, but also from countries of ‘East Africa. Traveling on the island … Read more

Patrick Stefanini: “Should we question the right of the ground in Mayotte?”

Patrick Stefanini Should we question the right of the ground

By Figarovox Interview Posted 2 hours ago, Update just now Ultraviolent rival gangs, made up of foreign minors, sow chaos in this archipelago faced with uncontrolled immigration. While the Raid has been dispatched to the scene, local elected officials express their distress. ABACA/ABACA MAINTENANCE – Mayotte has been shaken for ten days by inter-district conflicts … Read more

The Cadial Council ready to get more involved in the fight against cancer – Mayotte Hebdo

The Cadial Council ready to get more involved in the

In the middle of breast cancer awareness month, more commonly known as “Pink October”, the Cadial Council of Mayotte initialed, this Thursday, October 6, a partnership agreement with Asca and Amalca. These two local associations, which help cancer patients, rely on religious authority to break certain taboos. “I recommend when you are sick to go … Read more

In Mayotte, the Cadial Council is more involved in the fight against cancer

In Mayotte the Cadial Council is more involved in the

“I recommend when you are sick to go see your doctor and no longer go to see marabouts”, proclaims Mahamoudou Hamada Saanda, this Thursday, October 6. The Grand Cadi of Mayotte wants to put an end to this reflex taken by some patients to have recourse to witchcraft as a treatment, and he makes it … Read more