Astrology, magic jewelry, gurus… Behind the business of esotericism, a real thirst for spirituality

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The market for esotericism is flourishing. A curious commercial alchemy that hides a real aspiration to spirituality. Decryption. Astrology (celestial configurations), numerology (properties of numbers), lithotherapy (benefits of stones), tarotoracles, shamanism, vipassana meditation are not new beliefs and practices. But in recent years, they have crystallized the different faces of the sacred in our Western … Read more

Sectarian drifts. Gurus and other charlatans proliferate in the field of health

Sectarian drifts Gurus and other charlatans proliferate in the field

In a few years, sectarian aberrations have grown. The methods have even changed according to the latest Milvilud report. More fragmented, the movements focus on health issues. The health crisis has been conducive to the development of practices likely to lead to sectarian aberrations. (©Adobe Stock) Therapeutic excesses, mental influence… At the time, sects were … Read more

“The great religious institutions that managed societies have lost their influence and niche markets led by gurus have been created”, Jean Viard

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The Miviludes, the Interministerial mission of vigilance and fight against sectarian aberrations has never been so much in demand. It has been entered more than 4,000 times in 2021, and largely by victims of the so-called “new gurus”, these men and women who are followers of alternative medicine, who promise you well-being and personal development. … Read more