Friday the 13th: how many in 2023, origin, superstition… All about this symbolic date

Friday January 13 luck this great discreet of the astral

Happiness or misfortune, luck or bad luck? Superstitions related to Friday the 13th are numerous. But where do they come from? When will this next symbolic date take place and what is its influence on the astrological signs? Summary How do you envision this symbolic date? Are you one of those who see it as … Read more

Hope or despair, Friday the 13th and its superstitions

Hope or despair Friday the 13th and its superstitions

Black cat or white cat? Today, the most superstitious among us tremble or, on the contrary, await a nice sign from fate. According to an Ifop study for the Esteban Frederic clairvoyance site, 31% of French people believe in an influence of Friday the 13th on their destiny. One of the beliefs that sticks to … Read more

Friday the 13th: the slasher will have the right to his series with the creator of Hannibal

Friday the 13th the slasher will have the right to

Peacock announced the production of Crystal Lakea prequel series to the franchise of Friday 13with the creator ofHannibal. After the (temporary) conclusion of the saga Halloween, very recently, it’s another immortal slasher that now resurfaces to deliver some new kills. We had wind of very possible return of Friday 13, a few months ago and … Read more

Francesco Montorsi, Memory of the Ancients. Literary traces from Antiquity to the 12th and 13th centuries

Francesco Montorsi Memory of the Ancients Literary traces from Antiquity

This essay addresses the question of how a past, that of the 12th and 13th centuries, represented, transmitted, used, lived another past, that of the Greek and Latin worlds. It then aims to identify and interpret the literary traces of the memory of Antiquity in a corpus of vernacular texts (ancient novels, chronicles, translations of … Read more

Meditation for the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time: Following Christ – Vatican News

Jesuit Father Éric Kambale presents us with a meditation with the readings of the 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time of liturgical year C. First reading: 1R 19, 16b.19-21 Psalm: Ps 15 (16), 1.2a.5, 7-8, 9-10, 2b.11 Second reading: Ga 5, 1.13-18 Gospel: Lk 9, 51-62 Dear brothers and sisters, On this thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary … Read more

Friday the 13th: salt, numbers, spiders… a little world tour of superstitions

In 2022, there will only be one Friday the 13th. Bad luck for those who firmly believe in luck on this day which sees the French flock to the various games of chance. For others, it is good news, because this number brings bad luck, and has done so since the dawn of time. This … Read more

Friday the 13th: these astrological signs that fear it above all else

Friday the 13th these astrological signs that fear it above

There are indeed three astrological signs that fear Friday the 13th above all else. Let’s find out which ones. For some people, Friday the 13th is a lucky day. For others, it is a real phobia, which also has a name: triskaidekaphobia. And according to certain astrological signs, fear is more or less present. Indeed, … Read more