How to preserve memory with simple gestures?

How to preserve memory with simple gestures

Unhealthy lifestyles, natural aging of the brain, Alzheimer’s disease… As powerful as it is, our memory can be weakened by various factors. But, good news: “As several epidemiological studies have shown over the last few decades, it is possible to optimize one’s memory on a daily basis, to curb its decline, or even delay the … Read more

The Pope’s family visit to Asti, between memory and future – Vatican News

Francis’ visit to the land of origin of his family will be marked by the experience of dialogue between generations, particularly dear to the Pope who so often evoked the “prophecy of Joel” on the young and the elderly. If Saturday November 19, the dimension of the memory will prevail in the private meeting with … Read more

Check out these 5 tips for a sharp mind and an elephant memory

The detonating Silence of Falk Richter

We’ve all been there: we try to concentrate on a task at hand, but our mind keeps wandering. Suddenly we’re thinking about what to pick up at the grocery store or what to make for dinner tonight. This situation can be frustrating and make it difficult to complete any task. But don’t worry, there are … Read more

Francesco Montorsi, Memory of the Ancients. Literary traces from Antiquity to the 12th and 13th centuries

Francesco Montorsi Memory of the Ancients Literary traces from Antiquity

This essay addresses the question of how a past, that of the 12th and 13th centuries, represented, transmitted, used, lived another past, that of the Greek and Latin worlds. It then aims to identify and interpret the literary traces of the memory of Antiquity in a corpus of vernacular texts (ancient novels, chronicles, translations of … Read more

Stress, memory, addictions… The benefits of meditation for mental health

Riccardo Muti explains why the opera must assume its history

New studies have yet to highlight the positive impact of meditation on mental health and the proper functioning of the brain. The first one study coordinated by researchers from Inserm, the national institute for health and medical research, shows that meditation improves certain cognitive functions. In the study, the volunteers were 65 or older and … Read more