Facial yoga: focus on this natural anti-wrinkle method

Have you ever heard of facial yoga? This holistic treatment method tends to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and to restore the face to a youthful and firm appearance. Discover the underside of this anti-aging beauty routine.

From the twenties, signs of old age are slowly starting to appear. It is at this time that the first wrinkles and fine lines take up residence around the eyes or even the mouth. With a permanent exhibition at the pollutionthe oxidative stressthe fatiguestress and all external attacks, the skin of the face loses its radiance and the muscles lose tone. Facial yoga through simple facial gymnastic exercises allows you to reshape the face and of repel the signs of aging. Zoom in on this natural treatment method that beats the pawn with hyaluronic acid, botox and anti-wrinkle cream.

What is facial yoga?

the facial yoga is a treatment method that consists of acting on the muscles of the face and on breathing to restore the skin’s youthfulness. The principle is simple, without equipment, just using your hands, you will perform a series of exercises depending on the areas of the face you want to work. These sequences serve to relax facial musclesto firm the skin, to reduce wrinklesbut also to stimulate lymphatic drainage and therefore the elimination of toxins.

Regarding its origins, versions vary. Indeed, some rumors attribute the creation of the facial yoga to a Japanese high school teacher named Fumiko Takatsu. She would have developed her method of facial yoga after being the victim of an accident. Other sources attribute the motherhood of this anti-aging beauty treatment to Catherine Urwicza beautician.

Anyway, what we can remember is that facial yoga prevents, but also corrects the signs of skin aging. By following the advice for practicing the exercises, the skin of the face regains its radiance, looks younger, free of wrinkles, all in a completely natural way.

Why do facial yoga?

Unlike anti-aging cosmetic products that will make use of synthetic substances, facial yoga is natural. It is realized only with the hands, a good posture and breathing exercises.

A few minutes a day are enough to stimulate the muscles that tend to relax with age to recover facial tone and restore radiance to the complexion. Whatever your age, the practice of simple movements can plump up the lips, redraw the oval of the face, raise the cheekbones and eyelids in order to reshape the face without surgery.

Catherine Urwicz

For fans of simple, quick, natural and effective beauty routines, the facial gymnastics is a revolutionary trick. In fact, it goes further than hyaluronic acid injectionsanti-wrinkle cream and anti-aging cream, botox, but also all other methods of anti-wrinkle care. Indeed, the latter have only a surface action for the most part and often require the operation to be repeated over and over again to preserve the result, with moreover an efficiency which will decrease over time.

The advantage of face yoga is that it is exercises that last at most 10 minutes a day. It fits perfectly into an ordinary beauty routine in addition to anti-wrinkle care. It helps to get rid of frown lines, eliminate double chin, lift drooping eyelids, smooth the eye contour, reduce loss of facial firmness, but also eliminate facial wrinkles, neck and nape.

SEE AS ​​WELL : What is the difference between exfoliation and facial peeling?

How to practice face yoga?

Facial practice is suitable for everyone. It only requires training and following the advice to achieve it. Several videos of facial gymnastics exercises allow you to target specific areas of the face and thus learn at home how to tone the skin of the face, plump it up, eliminate wrinkles, revive blood circulationbut also relax.

What is a good point with facial yoga is that it is a practice that can be done anywhere, but more comfortably at home. With your hands, a mirror and good training to practice the exercises, you are halfway there. In the morning when you wake up or in the evening before going to bed, all you need to do is give yourself a few minutes of solitary relaxation and practice the facial yoga exercises.

Video: Dorina Darii’s facial yoga exercises

Depending on the imperfections of your face that you want to modify, there are several yoga face exercises to practise. For example, for you get rid of a double chin, just place your tongue at the back of your palate, keeping your mouth closed. Then he lifts his chin, tilts his head from side to side and all the while swallowing each time. Wait a few seconds then repeat the exercise.

For remove frown lines, you have to put your index finger at the birth of the eyebrows and press. Then, it will be necessary to practice smoothing with the palm of the hand. The gesture should start from the center of the face and stretch the eyebrows outwards.

Does face yoga really work?

Concretely, there is no study which proves by A + B that the yoga of the face is a method of anti-aging care efficient. However, in fact, we clearly notice the difference in people who practice it diligently. Indeed, the signs of aging fade and the skin becomes more radiant over time. It should be noted that facial yoga is not a magic trick. It’s a real succession of gestures that require consistency and good control to give convincing results.

When practiced well and especially regularly, facial yoga will allow you to release tension in the face. The complexion regains a brighter glow, areas such as the neck, forehead or eyelids are smoother and appear more toned. Finally, the whole body is relaxed which contributes to bring well-being.

The most common mistakes in facial yoga

Discover in the video below the recurring mistakes in the practice of facial yoga and how to avoid them.

We want to say thanks to the author of this short article for this incredible content

Facial yoga: focus on this natural anti-wrinkle method

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