Pelé, god of football, left just after the World Cup, a last penalty against eternity…

A God. A prodigy. A myth…In his own right, over the course of his two-decade career, he will be the embodiment of football and the beautiful game in all its splendor and technicality, as fans of this sport, the most popular in the world, love to experience it. every game played on a lawn. At … Read more

La mort du « roi » Pelé, légende du football mondial

La mort du roi Pele legende du football mondial

Pelé brandit la coupe du monde, le 30 mars 1971, sur les Champs-Elysées. – / AFP O Rei. Le roi, tout simplement. Avec l’ensemble de ses attributs. Sa couronne, jamais contestée, pas même par Cruyff, Platini, Maradona, Zidane, Messi ou Cristiano Ronaldo. Son trésor, ces 1 283 buts inscrits (selon son propre décompte) en 1 366 matchs … Read more

Death of Pelé: Kylian Mbappé worthy successor to the “King”, the question is asked

Hearthstone March of the Lich King Death Knight class new

EDITO: Physics, precocity, talent, ambition: the disturbing resemblance between Pelé and Mbappé propels the latter to the forefront of heirs. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of Holy Football. The king is dead, long live the king ! Same face steeped in ambition, same beguiling smile, same haughty bearing, same skin … Read more