How to remove the double chin at 50? Can you lose fat under the jawline naturally?

It is wrong to consider the double chin as a “privilege” of old age. Genetics and weight gain are among the four causes of having that small lump of fat under your jawline. And if a young woman can easily manage to remove the double chin with a set of exercises, a fifty-year-old will go … Read more

Chin Mudra presents the new Shiva Moon yoga mat – Gala

Chin Mudra presents the new Shiva Moon yoga mat

Yoga brings together several postures, breathing techniques and specific gestures to improve your well-being. But there are a multitude of yogas, ranging from meditative practices to more dynamic techniques. The equipment evolves according to the practice chosen, in particular in terms of mat thickness. To take full advantage of the benefits of this millennial art … Read more