Mercury retrograde: why is this period reputed to be chaotic?

Mercury retrograde why is this period reputed to be chaotic

Every time Mercury retrogrades, that’s the event. We immediately talk about small chaos and surprises that will upset our daily lives. But what does this astrological phenomenon that has everyone in awe mean in concrete terms? Miss Lilyastrologer, tarologist and author of“Astro-crystals” comes to light our lantern. Mercury retrograde, what does it mean? The third … Read more

“Mercury retrograde”: the chaotic astrological phenomenon arrives on January 14

Mercury retrograde the chaotic astrological phenomenon arrives on January 14

After the daily horoscope you read online or at the end of your favorite magazine or newspaper, “Mercury retrograde” is probably the most well-known astrological data. No more battery ? “Mercury retrograde”. Subway broken down? “Mercury retrograde”. Nothing is going well in your life? “Normal, Mercury retrograde…” This is the refrain that we find more … Read more

Beliefs. In astrology, should we believe in the phenomenon “Mercury retrograde”?

You’ve lost your keys, your laptop isn’t working very well, you’ve missed the bus, you’ve had misunderstandings at home and at the office…. In short, nothing is right. The culprit may be in the stars. It is the planet Mercury which has been retrograding since Wednesday: an astrological phenomenon which occurs three times a year, … Read more

Mercury retrograde May 2022: the life of these 6 astro signs will get complicated

Mercury retrograde, beware the tremors! From the astrological point of view, this backward movement of the planets influences our intellectual abilities and promotes misunderstandings. All the planets except the Sun and the moonretrograde and their effects are more or less notorious on our psyche depending on their proximity to the Earth. Mercury being a very … Read more