Why people born during this period don’t have the right ascendant – Elle

1675185945 Why people born during this period dont have the right

Published on January 31, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. ©lcodacci – iStock/Canva You thought astrology never mixed with history? Missed. People born during these five years have the wrong ascendant, here’s why. Your grandmother was born in 1942 and you always thought that her strong character was due to her ascendant Ram ? Perhaps you are … Read more

3 zodiac signs are waiting for a gift from imminent fate: a positive period begins

3 zodiac signs are waiting for a gift from imminent

The Sun’s entry into the sign of Scorpio on October 24 means two things: the start of Scorpio season! And that’s not all, on October 25, a New Moon in Scorpio will push you to emotional introspection, while a partial solar eclipse on the same day will invite you to rediscover your inner self. Either … Read more

Mercury retrograde: why is this period reputed to be chaotic?

Mercury retrograde why is this period reputed to be chaotic

Every time Mercury retrogrades, that’s the event. We immediately talk about small chaos and surprises that will upset our daily lives. But what does this astrological phenomenon that has everyone in awe mean in concrete terms? Miss Lilyastrologer, tarologist and author of“Astro-crystals” comes to light our lantern. Mercury retrograde, what does it mean? The third … Read more