Discover the 10 most common dreams and what they mean

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Dreams would have the ability to subconsciously express certain desires, fears or desires, especially if they are recurrent. • Read also: How to Recognize a Nightmare Caused by Stress If you woke up with vivid images of a dream still imprinted in your memory, this article might interest you! According to a survey conducted by … Read more

The Common Front brandishes the ISQ report in support of its demands in Quebec

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In the hour following the publication of the annual report of the Institut de la statistique du Québec (ISQ) on compared remuneration in various sectors, on Wednesday, the leaders of the Common Front comprising the FTQ, the CSN, the CSQ and the APTS made a public outing aimed at justifying their demands, particularly on the … Read more

Your 7 most common dreams deciphered by Tristan Moir

Your 7 most common dreams deciphered by Tristan Moir

[VIDÉO] Have you ever dreamed about the death of your parents? Or your ex? Or want to run but only tread water? Your dreams all have meaning. It’s your subconscious talking. Tristan Moir, dream language specialist, has deciphered the 7 most common dreams. Discover the 7 dreams deciphered by Tristan Moir: It’s 7:30 am, the … Read more

What are the common communication mistakes between Thais and foreigners?

What are the common communication mistakes between Thais and foreigners

Thais speak in a very different way than Westerners, and cultural misunderstandings can arise if you are unfamiliar with Thai culture. Advice from The Thaiger newspaper, on communication between Thais and Westerners. Thais are generally pleasant and laid-back, and they will forgive visitors who make unintentional rude gestures. See: Do’s and don’ts in Thailand, the … Read more

Erotic dreams: here are the most common and their meaning

Erotic dreams here are the most common and their meaning

It’s hard to forget them. Because while they can be intense, erotic dreams can also leave us completely dubious as to their meaning. Pleasant, disturbing or surprising, today we offer you decipher some of the most common sexy dreams. Erotic dreams: 3/4 of the population have them In 2013, during a survey conducted by INSEE, … Read more

Naked in Public, Falling, First Love, Falling Teeth: 9 Common Dream Interpretations

You’ve probably heard that sleep is essential. Indeed, a good night’s sleep can reduce your risk of: – heart disease– depression– diabetes A lesser known benefit of sleep is that it opens a window into the world of the unconscious. It lets you access what some experts call your “inner therapist.” In other words: your … Read more