Berlin, capitale arabe

Berlin capitale arabe

« Ce qui est bien à Berlin, c’est que lorsque tu as le mal du pays, tu as toujours la possibilité d’aller t’engueuler avec un Israélien », s’amuse Mohamed Badarneh, 45 ans, avec un sourire espiègle, avant de mordre dans son sandwich chawarma. Depuis onze ans, ce photographe palestinien d’Haïfa a élu domicile dans la capitale allemande, qui … Read more

Between the Baltic and Berlin, the boats take the lift

Between the Baltic and Berlin the boats take the lift

A concrete giant that can lift the weight of “50 whales”, the new boat lift in Niederfinow, eastern Germany, entered into service on Wednesday with the mission of giving impetus to river transport, on a canal between a Polish port and Berlin. The inauguration of the 133-metre-long, 46-metre-wide and 55-metre-high concrete building gave rise to … Read more

Yoga, Crocs, Wagner and populism at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin

Yoga Crocs Wagner and populism at the Deutsche Oper in

The trio Jossi Wieler, Anna Viebrock and Sergio Morabito seize the Mastersingers by Richard Wagner and transposes the action into a music conservatory, a high-level academy that promotes hierarchical relationships, unleashes aesthetic quarrels between “old” and “modern”, exacerbates rivalries, fuels a toxic, stressful climate linked to competition and performance requirements. This new creation is a … Read more