5 tips for getting into the divinatory tarot

The divinatory art is an ancestral method to read the future, and the tarot, one of its oldest methods. Discover our 5 tips to easily get into the tarot.

Clairvoyance, a mysterious and captivating world that tickles human curiosity. Whether tarot, classic cards, numerology or even astrology, the irrational currently attracts more than one today, as shown by the explosion of apps, memes and dedicated Insta accounts. about.

Why not get started on your own? Although the tarot is a very complex divinatory art, here are our 5 tips to start the practice correctly and easily.

What is Tarology?

It is important to distinguish cartomancy and tarology. The difference: the support that will be used to guess the future. Cartomancy is generally the art of reading the future on a deck of classic cards (32 or 52 card deck) and tarology is a specialty of cartomancy which is only done with a tarot deck. But you will see later that there are several tarot decks, the oldest of which is the Tarot de Marseille.

The tarology is a very complete method which will help you to guess your professional future, in love and many other aspects of your life, by reading and interpreting the graphics of the cards. The tarology will also give you the opportunity to change your future through warnings of what could potentially happen to you.

On the same subject

Our 5 tips for getting into the divinatory tarot

1- Choose a simple tarot deck for beginners What to choose between a tarot of the Tarot de Marseille type or another of the Rider-Waite type tarot? The Tarot de Marseille is the oldest of the tarots, but also the most complex. Often, tarologists only use the major arcana, that is to say the 22 cards from a deck of 78 cards whose meaning is the most concrete. The Rider-Waite tarot, on the other hand, is easier to interpret. It is easier to draw meanings from them thanks to more concrete illustrations (characters and scenes that make the interpretation more intuitive). You can suddenly use all the cards without too much difficulty.

To begin, therefore, favor a Rider-Waite type tarot with an illustrated world that you like, such as that of animals, for example.

2- Take the time to analyze. The tarot can be learned throughout a lifetime, especially in the case of the Tarot de Marseille. It is therefore essential to take the time to know the cards and to familiarize yourself with them. To do this, start by drawing the cards one by one and describe the one you have in front of you, then write down the details in a notebook. This will allow you to get to know it. At this point, you should not interpret it yet, but ask yourself questions about the illustrations and mention what resonates with you.

3- Understand the components of the tarot. After having taken the time to know the tarot cards, you must now understand its components. Depending on the type of tarot chosen, the meaning and name of the major cards will not be the same, because the origin of the tarot is different (the tarot of Marseilles being based on Judeo-Christian beliefs, much less present on the tarot Rider-Waite). You must therefore find out about the instructions for your game.

Next, analyze the minor cards, which reflect daily joys and sorrows. Analyze the 4 suits and their associated theme: the Cups represent emotions, the Wands, creativity, the Coins, wealth and the Swords, ideas.

You can now draw a card and then associate your feelings (the very one you noted during your first analysis of the cards and their details) with its meaning according to the game instructions. You now know how to associate your sensitivity to the meanings of based on a tarot card. All that remains is to practice.

4- Regularly practice the tarot. As always, to perform in an activity, there is nothing better than practice and the tarot is no exception to the rule. Do not get into big card draws and go slowly but surely by drawing, at first, one card per day. Ask yourself about this card only and apprehend it by trusting your intuition.

5- Trust yourself. Learning tarot takes time. No matter how many hours you spend analyzing each card, if you don’t trust yourself, it will be impossible to draw the cards for you or for others.

As you will have understood, drawing cards remains a combination of knowledge of the game and a great deal of intuition, which you will have developed during your introduction to cards. To make you gain confidence in yourself and your game, don’t hesitate to make connections between your first draws of a single card per day and to check if the elements you predicted agree with the day you spent.

Selection of Tarots of the Rider-Waite type

Does the tarology work on you?

You are attracted by the tarot but you still hesitate to believe in its capacities? We offer you to draw the cards for free right here to dispel your doubts about the powers of the tarology!

For the more skeptical among you about the divinatory arts and occult powers, here is a very simple test from the tarot expert @appollinarry, on Twitter. Choose a scrunchie and based on its color you will find a description of your personality as well as tips. So, convinced?

Lea Lecuyer

With Léa, curiosity is no longer a bad thing. A lifestyle journalist, she always has good advice to boost your well-being and keeps you informed of all the characteristics of your sign…

We want to give thanks to the writer of this write-up for this amazing content

5 tips for getting into the divinatory tarot

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