Au Congo-Brazzaville, la sorcellerie et la justice aux «Ordalies, le tribunal de l’invisible»

Astrology The life of these horoscope signs will experience a

Bienvenue au Congo-Brazzaville. « La sorcellerie est aussi une source de poésie, de mysticisme et d’identité », s’enthousiasme Corto Vaclav. Le jeune cinéaste français montre dans « Ordalies, le tribunal de l’invisible » une justice basée sur des pratiques très mystiques qui se retrouve au cœur d’un système de réconciliation aussi surréaliste qu’efficace. Une pépite cinématographique présentée au Festival … Read more

Ordalies, the tribunal of the invisible, by Hadrien La Vapeur and Corto Vaclav | africultures

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Broadcast at midnight (!) September 21, 2022 on France 2, this impressive documentary may have gone unnoticed. It is, however, visible in replay on until January 29, 2023. The directors of the remarkable Congo (cf. review #14941) persist and sign: this new opus comes as a complement and a deepening to their research in … Read more

Ordalies – The tribunal of the invisible

Ordalies The tribunal of the invisible

Summary In Brazzaville, the customary court of Tenrikyo is an institution responsible for resolving witchcraft cases. Aided by psychic investigators, a team of judges strives to unmask the wizards and reconcile the families torn apart by accusations of black magic. Cases follow one another and, between metaphysical verdicts and healing rituals, the vigilantes try to … Read more

In Congo-Brazzaville, witchcraft and justice at the “Ordalies, the court of the invisible”

Welcome to Congo-Brazzaville. “Witchcraft is also a source of poetry, mysticism and identity,” enthuses Corto Vaclav. The young French filmmaker shows in “Ordalies, the court of the invisible” a justice based on very mystical practices which is found at the heart of a system of reconciliation as surreal as it is effective. A cinematographic nugget … Read more