A “panzerkardinal” steeped in integral humanism

A panzerkardinal steeped in integral humanism

nicknamed the Panzerkardinal, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI has just been buried. His brand image remains that of a man whose integral humanism remains misunderstood. Timid and humble, he distinguished himself by the immensity of his knowledge and by the inflexible rigor of his thinking, which did not protect him from blunders. Well of science and … Read more

In Togo, the Benedictine monks of Dzogbegan at the service of an integral ecology

In Togo the Benedictine monks of Dzogbegan at the service

Danyi-Dzogbegan Ascension Abbey, Togo (drone image)/Abbaye de Dzogbegan Reportage For more than 60 years, the Benedictine monks in Togo have maintained a special relationship with nature and take care of the ecosystem in which they live their vocation. At Ascension Abbey in Danyi-Dzogbegan, 185 km from Lomé and 50 km from Kpalimé, Brother Jean Christophe … Read more