The Greens return to war against the “illusion” of nuclear power – Teller Report

“The nuclear lobby has won a battle, but…it will lose the war!”. The Greens don’t be cunning with this immediate observation: by getting too lost in ego quarrels, surreal delusions and other macho witchcraft trials, they have too much deserted the fight against “the Nuk” as they say. And left the field to the “nuclear lobby”, which, according to the Green MEP David Cormand, invented an argument: “it is the atom that would save the climate… whereas this one has in no way reduced fossil fuel consumption!

The argument does not weigh less in the public debate. “It is an illusion, according to the Green MP Charles Fournier who now participates in a working group “to dispel false pretenses and counter nucleocratic propaganda”. A tough task, “because you have to face the knowledgeable who do not want to doubt and seem everything know as Marc Jancovici, engineer and successful author with his comic strip (Le monde sans fin) with “atomic” success: more than 700,000 copies!

We would love to give thanks to the writer of this post for this amazing material

The Greens return to war against the “illusion” of nuclear power – Teller Report

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