Unusual – Aurélien Brunet linked Solignac to Tehran by bike, a journey of more than 10,000 kilometers

Book The great minds of the Revolution meet

Aurélien took an 11-month sabbatical to fulfill an old dream. Engineer in civil engineering and hydraulics in Limoges, descendant of a dynasty of peasants from the Pays de la Loire, passionate about horses, he took the plunge by deciding to go to Mongolia by bike. “The triggering phenomena were the confinements and the death of … Read more

GRANDSTAND. Franck Escoubès and Aurélien Taché: “For a reincarnation, finally, of democracy in France”

6:00 p.m., February 25, 2022 Here is their forum: Faced with democratic fatigue, a media euphemism that hides a more alarming truth of the political “dropout” of a growing part of the population, the presidential candidates are daring to compete to deal with the problem by more institutions. More proportional in the National Assembly, return … Read more