Reverse mirror hour 04:40: what is its hidden meaning? – She

Published on December 17, 2022 at 2:14 p.m.

Like the other mirror hours, the reversed hours would have the gift of bringing us luck, even of delivering messages to us. Find out what 04:40 has in store for you

Yes, you read that right: not content to touch their noses every mirror hour, your colleagues can now harass you at 10:01 a.m. or 1:31 p.m. And even if you have to undergo this injunction (or even have your nose touched without your consent), you might as well know its meaning. Because each mirror hour, whether reversed or even tripled (like 1:33 p.m.), has its own meaning. We give you that of 04:40.

What is a reverse mirror hour?

“To understand me, you would have to know my life,” sang Michel Berger. Well to understand reverse mirror hours, you have to understand mirror hours at all. These are schedules with repeating numbers, like 1:13 p.m. and supposed to carry a cosmic message for us. But wait a few minutes and you will find yourself, at 1:31 p.m., facing a reversed double hour. Two minutes later, revelation: 1:33 p.m. is also a mirror hour, but tripled. Yes, it never ends. You will never have touched your nose so much in public. If you’re on the literary side of the force and the numbers make you nauseous, you’d understand why you want to leave it at that. But you will miss a good opportunity to be lucky. Or to think you’re lucky. Which is basically the same thing.

4:40 in numerology

The symbolic interpretation of the numbers gives 04:40 a first label in the class of inverted mirror hours. Seriously, this hour invites us to rediscover our sense of reality. In numerology, the number 4 symbolizes stability since it would evoke the four corners of a square (or a rectangle) that is very stable and firm on its achievements. In concrete terms, it would be time for pragmatic and financial decisions. Of course, no one is asking you to check your accounts at 4 a.m., feverish and in your pajamas. But if by the greatest chance you’re still out at this hour, maybe it’s time to ask yourself if you paid for your last drinks.

04h40 in tarot and angelology

Other esoteric disciplines have their word to say concerning 04:40, this is the case of Tarot of Marseilles. The fourth of the major arcana? The emperor, vector of stability, prosperity, seriousness and responsibilities. In short, it is like the number 4: straight, square. Clearly, it would be time to get back on the right track. In angelology, a belief inherited from Kabbalah and which attributes guardian angels to the hour slices, 04:40 evokes the angel Mebahel. The latter represents protection from negative waves, love and optimism. Believe it or not, it can never hurt to show a little more enthusiasm. Especially if you are Capricorn.

4:40 in love

On the love side, this reversed double hour would be a sign that your heartache will soon be healed. 04:40, mercurochrome of broken hearts? We don’t know about you, but we want to believe it. Because if at 4:40 a.m. you think of your ex, chances are you haven’t moved on. And since this is the time of stability, in a relationship, it would indicate that you are on the right path to building something. Whether it’s a strong relationship, an IKEA piece of furniture or a tower from Kapla.

We wish to give thanks to the author of this article for this outstanding content

Reverse mirror hour 04:40: what is its hidden meaning? – She

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