The first cantor of Mary

The texts on the Virgin Mary are not lacking. However, there are some who occupy a special place, by their wealth, their origin, their theological importance or their beauty. They are not always easily accessible or known. FSSPX.Actualités proposes to provide a selection for the consideration and meditation of readers.

The present text is from Saint Ephrem the Syriac, born around 306 in Nisibis near Mosul, in the north of present-day Iraq. He retired to Edessa, in the south of present-day Turkey, in 363, before the Persian invasion.

Until his death, which occurred in 373, he who was only a deacon, lived alone or with disciples, on a mountain near Edessa, in heroic penance and contemplation. He wrote thousands of verses in Syriac. He is the first cantor of Mary, and remains one of the greatest.

The Virgin invites me to sing the mystery that I contemplate with admiration. Son of God, give me your admirable gift, make me tune my lyre and paint the beautiful image of your beloved Mother.

The Virgin Mary gives birth to her Son in virginity, she nurses him who nourishes the nations, in her chaste womb she bears him who sustains the universe. She is a virgin, she is a Mother, what isn’t she?

Holy in body and beautiful in soul, pure in mind, upright in intelligence, perfect in feeling, chaste, faithful, pure in heart, tried and tested, she is filled with all the virtues.

May the whole race of virgins rejoice in Mary, for one of them gave birth to the sustainer of all creation, the deliverer of mankind, groaning in bondage.

May old Adam rejoice in Mary, wounded by the serpent. Let the priests rejoice in the Blessed Virgin. Mary gives Adam progeny, which allows him to crush the cursed serpent and heal him of his mortal wound.

Let the priests rejoice in the Blessed Virgin. She gave birth to the high priest who made himself a victim. He put an end to the ancient sacrifices, having made himself the victim who appeases the Father.

May all the followers of the Prophets rejoice in Mary. In her their visions were fulfilled, their prophecies were fulfilled, their oracles were confirmed.

May all the patriarchs rejoice in Mary. As she received the blessing promised to them, so in her Son she perfected them. Through him, indeed, seers, righteous and priests found themselves justified.

Instead of the bitter fruit picked by Eve from the fatal tree, Mary gave men a fruit full of sweetness. And now the whole world is delighting in the fruit of Mary.

The tree of life, hidden in the middle of paradise, grew in Mary. Emerging from it, it spread its shadow over the universe, and it spread its fruits over the most distant peoples as well as the nearest.

Mary wove a garment of glory and gave it to our first father. He had hidden his nudity in the trees, he is now adorned with modesty, virtue, beauty. The one his wife had thrown to the ground, his daughter picked him up, supported by her, he stands like a hero.

Eve and the serpent had dug a trap: Adam had fallen into it; Mary and her royal child bent over him and pulled him out of the abyss.

The virgin vine gave a bunch whose savory wine brings joy to the afflicted. Eve and Adam, in their anguish, tasted this beverage of life and found in it the appeasement of all their pain.

Taken from : The most beautiful texts on the Virgin Maryby Father Pie Régamey.

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The first cantor of Mary

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