The Method of Manifestation of the Law of Hypothesis, Explained – Noufelle EN

From the script to the Whisper method, it looks like TikTok has a manifestation technique for everyone. And while you can’t really talk about manifesting without mentioning the law of attraction, TikTok’s latest manifestation trend challenges us to take our practice one step further – assuming our aspirations have already come true and it was always meant to be that way. . With the help of the Law of Assumption, TikTok users reframe their practice to fake their minds and emotions in order to get whatever their heart desires.

Manifestation is the idea that you can attract your greatest dreams into your life by believing that they are already yours. Often you will see this practiced using the Law of Attraction. So when a new theory comes out that challenges the fundamentals of manifestation as the Law of Hypothesis does, it’s only natural to raise an eyebrow. With the help of TikTok users, #TheLawOfAssumption has grown in popularity and reached an impressive 5.1 million views on the platform and counting, so it’s definitely worth checking out if you’re curious about a new wave of protests.

The Law of Attraction is similar to the Law of Hypothesis, in that both methods are about attracting the desired energy into your life. “The law of attraction says like attracts like, which means if we think positive thoughts, we will always attract positive experiences into our lives,” @ascendwithabby explained in a video from July 2022. This law is based on the idea of ​​free will and that you co-create your reality with the universe.

The Law of Assumption, on the other hand, is “a meaning of manifesting desires by having the mindset and feeling that those desires, wishes and aspirations have been fulfilled,” according to @manifestwithpersis from August 2022 video, which has 1.5 million views. Unlike the Law of Attraction, the Law of Assumption eliminates the idea of ​​free will by assuming that what you want was always meant to be yours.

How to Use the Law of Hypothesis Manifestation Method

The law of assumption forces you to imagine or assume emotions and thoughts of what will come out of achieving your dreams. To do this, you will need to release your old beliefs and thought patterns. For example, if you feel lost after losing a job or having a dramatic breakup, for the Law of Assumption to come to fruition, you must completely free yourself from expressions of unworthiness, unease or doubt – all of which could come with loss or rejection.

“You can affirm every day that you already have that desire you want, but if your mind doesn’t feel worthy of that desire, that’s what’s stopping your manifestation from happening,” says TikTok user @valeriafune in a video from June 2022, which has 133.3K views.

Once you have put yourself in the mindset that you are worthy and capable of what you want, you can begin to apply the law of assumption. You will need to fully embody the beliefs and emotions of the version of you who has this desire. This is important, even if it comes with challenges, like dragging yourself to the gym or not snoozing the alarm, as TikTok user @simplifying.sam expressed in a viral video with 2.4 million views that was released on September 6.

How would you feel if you got that promotion at work, moved across the country to a big city, or started your own business? What would you think and believe, or how would you behave if you had everything you ever wanted? The law of the hypothesis consists in being that future person by expressing the emotions, thoughts, and actions that that specific version of you would have.

“We take on those actions and embody that version of ourselves and deeply, deeply feel what that feels like, our spirit will create that experience or that reality for us,” says @ascendwithabby.

The law of assumption requires you to stand firm in the belief that what you want is already yours. It relies on your inner confidence, courage and mental discipline to fully materialize. No matter where you are in life, for the Law of Assumption to work, you must remain devoted to the version of yourself that has everything you’ve ever wanted.

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The Method of Manifestation of the Law of Hypothesis, Explained – Noufelle EN

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