Monday’s Sexy Tip: What Do Sex Dreams Mean?

published by Solene V

– On Nov 28, 2022 at 10:30

Have you ever woken up with a smile on your face because you had experienced a moment of intense pleasure during your sleep? Erotic dreams are more common than you think. But what do they actually mean?

Who has never found themselves in the middle of an erotic dream, haunted by a form of intense pleasure on waking? Erotic dreams are much more common than you might think. This type of dream can be powerful, intense, exciting or violent.. Especially since they can even sometimes go to orgasm! Which is also very beneficial for the body since they cause a blood flow and also show that our libido is at its peak. In some people, erotic dreams can also be much more intense and pleasant than the actual sexual act. But contrary to popular belief, their meaning is not necessarily sexual, strictly speaking. Thus, it is important not to always take them at face value. To help you understand better, here is everything you need to know about erotic dreams.

Is it normal to have erotic dreams?

The majority of us have already had erotic dreams. Although we don’t remember it, about 10% of our dreams are erotic! A significant figure that shows how ubiquitous they are in our sleep. They also prove to be necessary for a certain sexual but also physiological and emotional balance.. As you will have understood, having erotic dreams is completely normal! It does not necessarily mean that you are craving for sex or that you cheated on your partner in your dream. Although they are often influenced by the situation you find yourself in. For example, in times of sexual frustration, they may be more frequent. Their goal is to satisfy your desires in a disguised and unconscious way.

Where do they come from ?

The causes of erotic dreams are multiple. They can arise from several factors. Either a lack in real life, or a general well-being that needs to express itself during our sleep. Anyway, these erotic dreams never happen by chance and it can be really beneficial to interpret them and understand their meaning. They generally arise from a form of desire experienced in our daily life or during the day. For example, if you met a person who sexually attracted you, it is possible that you will meet them again in your dream. As you will have understood, the causes are not predefined but depend on the situation of each one.

What are the most common erotic dreams?

According to an INSEE report published in 2013, approximately 70% of women and 80% of men have already had erotic dreams, at least once or twice a year. But some types of dreams come up much more often than others. According to a survey published in 2014, the most common erotic dreams are about having sex with a stranger.. But also with a person of the same sex or with a work colleague. Without counting on the erotic dreams in which the person makes love in an unusual place or with a celebrity. You will understand, they are varied. But beware, they are not to be taken at face value! They simply stage certain impulses and situations of your daily life in a much more implicit way. Still need to know how to decode them…

What do they actually mean?

To understand the meaning of your erotic dreams, you must already remember them. Most of the time, we do not remember our dreams, which makes the task of interpretation complex. Quite often there is a hidden meaning behind them. For example, if you dream of an ultra hot and unusual moment in which you completely let go, it could mean that in everyday life, you like to manage and control everything.. On the contrary, the lack of self-confidence can translate into infidelity on the part of your partner in your dream. It is important to know that an erotic dream does not necessarily mean that you lack sex in your life, that you have a problem or a frustration. Quite often, interpretation and meaning go far beyond that. Erotic dreams are not a simple desire to satisfy, but have a hidden meaning. It’s up to you to find out. And if these dreams are repeated too much or they become intrusive and problematic, do not hesitate to discuss them with a specialist or a professional such as a psychologist.

We would like to say thanks to the author of this write-up for this amazing material

Monday’s Sexy Tip: What Do Sex Dreams Mean?

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