Your weekly horoscope from November 27 to December 3, 2022

Aries from March 21 to April 20

Vibe : You have the charm, the chat and the power of conviction. In short, you will have all the assets to impose your opinions.

My advice : There is no point in overdoing it. It could even produce effects contrary to what you want. So, know how to stay measured (born in March).

Taurus from April 21 to May 21

Vibe : If you are at odds with someone around you, this is the right time to start a process of reconciliation (2nd decan).

My advice : Be careful not to be overly possessive with those you love, especially your friends. This is not how you will retain them.

Gemini from May 22 to June 21

Vibe : There is someone around you who is not playing fair. And who tries to make you take bladders for lanterns. Be very vigilant.

My advice : Beware of appearances and promises that are too good to be true. Keep your feet on the ground (born around June 14).

Cancer from June 22 to July 22

Vibe : Everything will run smoothly as long as you are organized and don’t get overwhelmed with minor details. Put your perfectionism aside.

My advice : Your shape largely depends on your lifestyle. Do not neglect your diet or your sleep. And exercise.

Leo from July 23 to August 23

Vibe : You evolve in a climate that is quite flattering for your ego. This will put some comfort in your heart, especially if you were born around August 12.

My advice : Strive to create a virtuous circle by thinking positively and surrounding yourself with supportive people.

Virgo from August 24 to September 22

Vibe : The family seems to be honored with, for some, a birthday or a party in perspective. And, for others, an explanation that will relieve you.

My advice : Do you have trouble understanding the behavior or intentions of a loved one? Give yourself time and channel your imagination (3rd decan).

Libra from September 23 to October 22

Vibe : Someone could pull out all the stops to seduce you. Above all, you will be dealing with a smooth talker. So don’t fall for the trap (3rd decan).

My advice : Do not get impatient, even if you feel that your actions are not bearing fruit. Everything will be unlocked in January.

Scorpio from October 23 to November 22

Ambience: Take advantage of the next few days to take care of yourself and your well-being, whether physical or psychological. You don’t listen to yourself enough.

My advice : The more you idealize others, the more you risk being disappointed, because sooner or later you will end up opening your eyes (3rd decan).

Sagittarius from November 23 to December 21

Vibe : Born in late November and early December, there are no obstacles in your way or, in any case, nothing insurmountable. Have confidence in yourself!

My advice : Avoid, as far as possible, making promises that you cannot keep (3rd decan). It would backfire on you.

Capricorn from December 22 to January 20

Vibe : You worry about everything and nothing right now. And, most of the time, your fears turn out to be unjustified, because they are a figment of your imagination.

My advice : Be more in dialogue and communication. Others cannot guess what you are thinking (3rd decan).

Aquarius from January 21 to February 18

Vibe : Solidarity will be the strong value of your week. So be a team player and don’t go it alone (born at the end of January).

My advice : Your independence is a great strength. But it can turn against you, especially when you have a problem to solve. Get help.

Pisces from February 19 to March 20

Vibe : Do you think we are asking too much of you? Or that you are being put too much pressure? You need to set clear and clear boundaries for others.

My advice : Don’t give your trust too quickly, especially with people you don’t know well (3rd decan). Some are insincere.

We wish to say thanks to the writer of this article for this remarkable material

Your weekly horoscope from November 27 to December 3, 2022

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