Gemini: here are the greatest qualities of this astro sign

People born under the sign of Gemini are not the type to leave others indifferent. Very often, we either love them or hate them. And for Gemini, it’s often the second option since he’s the most hated sign !

Born between May 21 and June 21, people born under the sign of Gemini frighten by their ability to adapt. They are sociable people, intellectually curious and often very talkative, but their love of gossip can quickly attract the wrath of those around them.

Like the Virginthe Gemini are governed by Mercury, planet of communication. They are renowned for their oratory skills, and many Gemini who will add fuel to the fire during a discussion just to fuel the debate. Sign of the twinsx in Greek astrology, Gemini is sometimes susceptible to double-dealing. But what are the greatest qualities of this air sign?

Geminis are smart

Ruled by Mercury, the Gemini love to learn. They are extremely curious and open-minded and will always want to learn more about the topics that interest them (that is, all of them). They place the intellect above the rest and use their mind to solve any problem that comes their way.

Gemini are stacks of energy

The Gemini are untenable and their natural curiosity pushes them towards a thirst for adventure that they find difficult to quench. They always want to try new things and discover new sources of pleasure. Their appetite for discovery and their good humor will often place them in a leadership position, guiding the group towards always extraordinary adventures.

Geminis adapt easily

Geminis belong to the category of what are called mutable signslike the Virgin, the Pisces and Sagittarius. They adapt with great ease to the world around them, as long as harmony is maintained. It is a sign that adapts to events and will always be ready to go on an adventure or overcome an obstacle.

Geminis are curious

Since they place a lot of importance on the intellect, Geminis are also of a very curious nature. They are the type to ask questions without stopping until they have an answer, like children who discover life.

Geminis are funny

Just because Geminis are super smart doesn’t mean they’re not funny, quite the contrary. very sarcasticthey like to make jokes more than anything, but you have to be able to follow them!

Geminis are convincing

With their chat, Geminis are able to convince anyone to do anything. Pretty good if you’re commercial, less for victims of the many serial killers who were Gemini…Geminis are the type to always have to be ahead of the others, considering all the ins and outs of a given situation in order to emerge victorious.

Geminis are very sociable

Gemini are very talkative and like to debate more than anything. In the evening, they will be easily approachable and will talk openly with everyone. Everyone who meets a Gemini automatically becomes their friend – but for how long?

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Gemini: here are the greatest qualities of this astro sign

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