Your weekly horoscope from May 29 to June 4, 2022

Aries (March 21 to April 20)

Vibe : Nothing and no one can get in your way (born in March). Your will will be law, to the point that you will not bear to be resisted.

My advice : Being combative is a quality, imposing one’s desires unilaterally is not. You will find a happy medium.

Taurus from April 21 to May 21

Vibe : The planet of love has been in your sign since the 28th. Use your natural charm to convince and to make a small conquest (1st decan).

My advice : Discussions will be in the spotlight from the 3rd. This will be the time to empty your bag and say what is on your heart (3rd decan).

Gemini from May 22 to June 21

Vibe : The new moon on the 30th is charged with good energies. You seem to have the wind in your sails! Ride that carrier wave as much as possible.

My advice : Develop your team spirit and remember that unity is strength. So unite your skills with your colleagues (1st decan).

Cancer from June 22 to July 22

Vibe : Many of you will be angry (born in June). Surely because of a decision that will seem unfair to you. There will even be revolt in the air.

My advice : Weigh the pros and cons carefully before entering into a power relationship with a superior or a parent. Mediation would be preferable.

Leo from July 23 to August 23

Vibe : You can have confidence in the future and be daring (1st decan). Success should be there by early 2023 at the latest.

My advice : An explanation with a colleague or superior seems inevitable. Do not postpone the deadline and get started. You will be relieved (3rd decan).

Virgo from August 24 to September 22

Vibe : Mercury, planet of exchanges, resumes a direct march on the 3rd. What is certain to obtain a favorable response to a request which dates from the beginning of May.

My advice : Single, accept all invitations. You are going to have fun, and maybe even fall in love with it (1st decan).

Libra from September 23 to October 22

Vibe : Are you about to sign a partnership? Or a big deal? In any case, it seems that there is commitment in the air. And everything is rushing.

My advice : You will experience jealousy, even though it is not in your character. Try to have a little more confidence in yourself.

Scorpio from October 23 to November 22

Vibe : A co-worker will envy you or give you a low blow (born in October). Pay close attention and react.

My advice : The period is conducive to meetings, whether romantic or professional. So don’t play the hermit and go on an adventure.

Sagittarius from November 23 to December 21

Vibe : You are one of the favorites of the week! There is no planet to thwart you or hinder you… The way is clear.

My advice : There are a thousand and one ways to show your feelings. Small attentions sometimes turn out to be more touching than big statements.

Capricorn from December 22 to January 20

Vibe : Some people try to put pressure on you (1st decan). But you are strong enough not to let them manipulate you.

My advice : Change your look or hairstyle, whatever. What matters is that you do something that gives you a good image of yourself.

Aquarius from January 21 to February 18

Vibe : The rhythm is sustained, but it is not to displease you. On the contrary, you like when there is movement and activity (born in January).

My advice : Refocus on your fundamentals, namely family and home. They are nevertheless necessary for your personal balance.

Also to discover: Lunar calendar 2022: here are the dates of the new moons by month

Pisces from February 19 to March 20

Vibe : Your loved ones love coming to confide in you. You always offer them a listening ear. And you, who listens to you?

My advice : If someone owes you money, nothing will happen until you claim it. You may hate it, but there are no other options.

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Your weekly horoscope from May 29 to June 4, 2022

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