WoW WotLK Elemental Shaman guide: PvE and PvP talents, leveling

The WoW WotLK Elemental Shaman is a force of nature – literally. By bending elements to their will, they’re incredibly powerful if you have the right talent, so here’s a look at what you’ll need for PvP and PvE, plus how to level up fast in Blizzard’s MMO .

Shamans are one of the more obscure classes in WoW WotLK Classic. Split into three different specs (Elemental, Enhancement, and Restoration), they can be played as DPS or Healer depending on which path you choose to follow. Elemental Shaman is the damage specialization, armed to the teeth with nature’s fury and determined to make mincemeat of his foes. That’s provided you have the right build and the will to push through the leveling process, because despite their magical prowess, they’re one of the hardest classes to play in the early stages of the game.

Do you like challenges ? So here is an overview of everything you need to know to play Elemental Shaman in WoW WotLK; from the best PvE and PvP builds to how to level effectively.

Best run for WotLK Elemental Shaman

Only a select few races can play Shaman in WotLK, so you’re a bit more limited than normal. For Horde players, we recommend Troll for PvE-centric warriors and Orc for PvP. Orc is also second only to Troll in terms of PvE, so if you’re looking to do a bit of both, this may be the better option. On the Alliance side, the Draenei are the only real choice, mainly because they are the only race in the Alliance that can choose the class.

These races were chosen based on their synergy with the talents of the spec. For PvE, Troll’s Beast Slaying increases damage dealt to animals by 5% and Berserking increases attack and casting speed by 10%. There’s not really a downside here, mostly because you can also get additional health regeneration through regeneration. Orcs, on the other hand, can withstand pesky PvP stuns with toughness, and Blood Fury boosts spell damage and healing – perfect for ranged DPS.

While you’re pretty much stuck with Draenei on the Alliance side, their Naaru Gift is great when using healing spells as it heals players for 50 damage, and Heroic Presence increases the hit chance of one, helping your group as a whole.

Best PvE Talents for Elemental Shaman in WotLK

So you chose to kill monsters instead of other people – that’s probably a good thing. For PvE Elemental Shaman, the build is pretty strict as you have to make sure you’re fighting the class’s poor mana pool while also making sure you get metaphorical bang for your buck. Below is the standard PvE build, and we recommend sticking to it as much as possible.

Talent Specification Rank
Convection Elementary 3
Concussion Elementary 5
Improved totems Reinforcement 3
Ancestral knowledge Reinforcement 2
flame call Elementary 3
Searing Strikes Reinforcement 5
Elemental Focus Elementary 1
Elemental Fury Elementary 5
Elemental Weapons Reinforcement 3
Shamanic Focus Reinforcement 1
Improved Fire Nova Elementary 2
eye of the storm Elementary 3
Elemental range Elementary 2
thunder call Elementary 1
Relentless Storm Elementary 3
Elemental Accuracy Elementary 3
Lightning Mastery Elementary 5
Elemental Mastery Elementary 1
Storm, Earth and Fire Elementary 3
Booming Echoes Elementary 2
Elemental Oath Elementary 2
lightning overload Elementary 3
Anger Totem Elementary 1
Lava flows Elementary 3
Shamanism Elementary 5
Thunderstorm Elementary 1

Best PvP Talents for Elemental Shaman in WotLK

So instead of monsters, you’re looking to smash heads in the arena. It’s a dangerous course of action, but playing Elemental Shaman is one of the best options in PvP. You can deal massive amounts of damage from afar, which means you can shred health bars with the right talent. We have listed them below.

Talent Specification Rank
Concussion Elementary 5
Earth’s grasp Reinforcement 2
Ancestral knowledge Reinforcement 3
flame call Elementary 3
Elemental Protection Elementary 3
Guardian totems Reinforcement 2
Searing Strikes Reinforcement 1
Improved Ghost Wolf Reinforcement 2
Reverberation Elementary 5
Elemental Focus Elementary 1
Elemental Fury Elementary 5
Shamanic Focus Reinforcement 1
eye of the storm Elementary 3
Elemental Range Elementary 2
thunder call Elementary 1
Relentless Storm Elementary 3
Lightning Mastery Elementary 5
Elemental Mastery Elementary 1
Storm, Earth and Fire Elementary 3
Booming Echoes Elementary 2
Elemental Oath Elementary 2
lightning overload Elementary 3
Astral shift Elementary 3
Anger Totem Elementary 1
Lava flows Elementary 3
Shamanism Elementary 5
Thunderstorm Elementary 1

Leveling Elemental Shaman in WotLK Classic

Before going any further, you should know that leveling an elemental shaman is difficult. The class has a mediocre mana pool, which means if things go wrong, you’ll struggle. Even when things are going well, there are very few spells that actually help you defend yourself, so you can find yourself constantly in the red. What we’re saying is be prepared to die – a lot.

If you’re willing to endure countless gray screens, it’s worth it, as the class gets incredibly powerful as you go. To help you out, be sure to drop your Strength of Earth, Mana Spring, Wrath of Air, and Totem of Wrath totems whenever you can. These earth, water, air and fire spells buff respectively, and can help you tenfold. It’s also worth picking up an Earthbind totem if you find your defensive stats aren’t great. You’ll want to place this between you and your enemy to slow their progress.

When the fight begins, make sure you have your Flametongue Weapon and Water Shield ready. You can then use your Chain Lightning accompanied by Elemental Mastery during the cooldown. Then go kill using Flame Shock if your enemy will survive the spell’s duration, or Earth Shock if that health bar is a bit too much. If they’re still alive, a quick flash will seal the deal.

For those with a few more totems, you can drop the Stoneclaw totem to continuously stun enemies attacking it. You can fire some and let others attack the totem, then use Fire Nova to wipe out the enemies you chained up. Fire Nova also works well with the Earthbind defensive totem we mentioned earlier, and will be even stronger if you have a fire totem like Magma or Totem of Wrath active at the same time.

The path of WoW’s Elemental Shaman isn’t easy, but I hope this guide helps you become the most devastating ranged DPS Azeroth has ever seen. If you’re looking to try out one of the other WoW Classic classes, be sure to check out our WoW WotLK Death Knight guide if you’re looking for something a little more tanky.

We wish to say thanks to the writer of this article for this incredible material

WoW WotLK Elemental Shaman guide: PvE and PvP talents, leveling

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