Yoga outfit: what clothes to wear to be perfectly comfortable when practicing this sport? – Here is

Knowing how to dress to do yoga is an essential question in order to approach the discipline with all the chances on your side. Top, bra, pants… Here are some tips from a pro to get you started in yoga!

the yoga is clearly the sport that is gaining more and more followers in France. According to a study by National Union of Yoga Teachers, more than 10 million people practiced this discipline between 2019 and 2021. Yet many people still choose the wrong clothes to wear. Too tight, too wide, not breathable enough… with the wrong sportswearyou can considerably reduce your comfort during the session. Here is questioned Norah Luttwayfounder of the sportswear brand Nolijuto finally know what you should really wear for to do yoga.

What top to wear for yoga?

The advantage of yogaIt is what it is a sport that requires total comfort to practice the movements with ease. According Norah Luttwaywe can be T-shirt, in a crop top or loose top, it’s mainly according to your preferences. But there are still some little practical rules to follow. On the tops, we want materials that are a little looser but which stay at the waist to prevent the t-shirt from riding up when we are upside down.” For the brand present in a corner at the BHVthe cuts are also important to be comfortable. Noliju offers in particular t-shirts long enough for those who do not want reveal their bellies. For the materials, the observation is the same: comfort is essential. “In general, when practicing classical yoga, perspiration is not the main problem.Norah Luttway Explain. “So we can afford less technical materials than for outdoor sports. Soft and supple fabrics such as Tencel or polyamide are completely suitable.“Obviously, side underwearit is better to opt for a sports bra with appropriate support, especially for positions with the head down.

What pants should you choose for yoga?

More important than the top, the bottom is essential for doing yoga. If one can practice discipline in shorts, many prefer pants, which have more coverage. the leggings is obviously the No. 1 choice since it is both comfortablebut it also allows the instructor to see the positions well and correct them to avoid injuries. It is therefore necessary to prioritize close-fitting pants rather than oversized jogging for example. But Norah Luttway reassures:We can afford much larger forms. For example, there is a trend for slightly flared models at the moment. It is clearly something that is allowed if one feels comfortable.“Obviously, for people practicing a more toned yoga (such as bikram yoga), antiperspirant clothing may be needed. So avoid cotton which, if it is pleasant enough to wear on a daily basis, dries very slowly when you sweat!

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Yoga outfit: what clothes to wear to be perfectly comfortable when practicing this sport? – Here is

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