Michele Chabelski. Madame Rousseau, creator of the gibbet where Julien Bayou hangs – Tribune Juive

Shabbat Shalom

I don’t know what happened in bed and in Julien Bayou’s life…

Julien Bayou was perhaps a bad husband, a poor, selfish companion…

Maybe not…

In any case Sandrine Rousseau considered that he made his wife unhappy.

And said it.
A McCarthyite in petticoats…

To the dehydrated media which often drink in the misfortune of others.
And make the buzz that generates success that generates money that generates the fall of the main interested party…

We do not know the name of the victim, his claims, his pain, his resentment, since he did not say anything officially.

On the other hand, we know that Madame Rousseau with her white hands built the gibbet where the resigning Julien Bayou hangs today…

Madame Rousseau, self-proclaimed official spokesperson for Julien Bayou’s companion, has variable indignation.

A young woman of 22, Masha Amini, murdered by the vice police in Iran, another of twenty, Hadis Najafi, riddled with six bullets by police during a demonstration, two expiatory victims of a totalitarian regime who tremble in front of women considered dangerous succubus make the headlines of the newspapers which rediscover with horror the turpitudes of the Iranian mullahs.

Demonstrations of women who tear off their veils and cut their hair, already hundreds of dead, Iran is burning under the revolt of these women who claim a status of human beings free of their bodies and their choices.

Madame Rousseau, Mathilde Panot, Alice Coffin, must train for the Olympic Games.

Well yes, they have sport every day, that’s why they don’t have time to take care of the fate of Iranian women…

It’s far from Iran, and the veil is considered by our French leftists as a freely chosen garment, a fashion accessory signifying membership in a highly claimed Islam…

We are left speechless…

And we helplessly witness this massacre of women and a few men who demand the freedom for women to walk with their hair in the wind, without risking their lives.

In a secular country where some people howl at dictatorship when people refuse to wear the burkini in municipal swimming pools, this feminine and feminist insurrection which risks ending in a bloodbath underlines the gap between the pros of the veil who pretend to to consider it as a free and personal choice of the prisoners of a feudal system which exposes them to death if a lock of hair protrudes from the prison scarf…

We observe, appalled, this fight of the free hair against the guns of the fundamentalist mullahs, and we cannot help but watch for feminist solidarity which is disintegrating in the deafening din of a murderous silence.

Sandrine Rousseau, whatever she thinks of it, will not save the feminine planet from male forfeitures.

We are already wondering how she managed to occupy this position which hands her complacent microphones in which she spits her venomous aggressiveness capable of putrefying a man who could be a political rival…

We just wonder…

We would like to see Madame Rousseau and her sisters parade demanding the banning of the veil which caparisons these women enclosed in a more than medieval symbol crediting women with a highly flammable libidinous power in the eyes of unfortunate guys delivered helpless to their deleterious witchcraft…

And to see today a growing number of pupils wearing an Islamist religious costume in the schoolyards of a secular country, has reason to legitimately worry about the future of our children…

Starting the Jewish New Year with a rant when I would have liked to express sweet wishes full of hope, vividly demonstrates my inability to escape the follies and injustices of a world that seems to be going upside down.

Not to mention the arrival in Italy of a nostalgic blonde of the late Mussolini…

Happy New Year everyone…

I kiss you

© Michele Chabelski

We want to say thanks to the author of this short article for this remarkable web content

Michele Chabelski. Madame Rousseau, creator of the gibbet where Julien Bayou hangs – Tribune Juive

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