The weekly horoscope from August 3 to 9, 2022

Sybille Souane, the astrologer of Point of viewgives you your horoscope for the week of August 3 to 9, 2022.


March 20-April 19

Love : 1st decan, the 3rd, fickle feelings. The 7th, ready for adventure. 2nd decan, radiant feelings, which you assume in broad daylight. You are very proud to be loved. 3rd decan, in family, protective but possessive cocoon.

Job: 1st decan, you rethink your working methods. The 9th, a cautious mentor curbs your enthusiasm. 2nd decan, calm. 3rd decan, plans thwarted by money issues on the 7th. Reorganization likely to impact your private life on the 9th.

Form : vigor


April 20-May 20

Love : 1st decan, intellectual connection/connivance on common interests the 4th. 2nd decan, the 5th, you do as you please: too bad if that displeases your loved one. 3rd decan, powerful sensuality on the 3rd; restrained on the 7th – the attachments are no less strong. The 6 is eruptive; beware of jealousy.

Job: 1st decan, dig into creative solutions. 2nd decan, calm. 3rd decan, progress blocked towards the 7th. Let go!

Form : 3rd decan, contrary winds.


May 21-June 20

Love : 1st decan, as a family, you tend to split your hair in four on the 7th. Fortunately, Prince Charming could come and abduct you on his fiery steed. 2nd decan, communicative warmth, contagious laughter. On the 3rd, changes. 3rd decan, atmosphere a little too serious for your taste!

Job: 1st decan, do not draw premature conclusions. 2nd decan, positive negotiations. 3rd decan, the 8th, beware of mirages: do not take your associates at their word.

Form : 1st decan, nervousness.


June 21-July 22

Love : 1st decan, in a relationship, easy communication to manage practical details, take care of yours. 2nd decan, the 3rd, refuse whims. The 5 tilts. 3rd decan, tender, caressing and exclusive loves. Romanticism on the 7th. On the 9th, don’t let yourself be vampirized.

Job: 1st decan, reasonable and reasoned negotiations, intelligently conducted. Runaway on the 9th. 2nd decan, rest. 3rd decan, tenacious but plagued by doubts. Stay calm in the face of delays.

Form : 3rd decan, intense.


July 23-August 22

Love : 1st decan (July 23 – August 1), a happy and optimistic philosophy. The 7 is generous and sharing. 2nd decan (August 2 – 11), happy birthday! The 3 is gallant for couples, mischievous for solos, light and pleasant for all. The 7 is enthusiastic, engine of amorous commitment in common festivities and leisure. The sports duos are having a great time. 3rd decan (12th – 22nd August), be careful not to get caught up in work at your resort: your loved ones could be hurt on the 6th. The loved one, (too) cautious, tends to slow down the initiatives (the 7th).

Job: 1st decan, ingenuity, expertise and sense of analysis in material and heritage matters. Some reflect on the workings of complex financial arrangements. 2nd decan, return to calm, catch your breath to prepare for future surprises. 3rd decan, rivalries are exacerbated, especially around questions of status and remuneration. Difficulty acting freely.

Form : 1st and 2nd decans, dynamism. 3rd decan, low energy.


August 23-September 22

Love : 1st decan, demanding: you sift your suitors through your formidable analysis grid. The 7th, let go. 2nd decan, you are more comfortable in the shade than in the sun. 3rd decan, cuddly friendships, which can merge with love (the 7th) and become erotic (the 9th). On the 8th, a nice mess with the family.

Job: 1st decan, practical sense, demand for precision… even perfection. 2nd decan, pause. 3rd decan, outdated processes that block innovation.

Form : steady.


September 23-October 22

Love : 1st decan, the 7th, playful conversation that can lead to more if you have an affinity. The 9th, a bit of rififi between the spouse and the in-laws. 2nd decan, social ease. The 3rd, emotional hesitations. 3rd decan, suspicious of attempts at affective manipulation on the 9th.

Job: 1st decan, secrets, things left unsaid, even dissimulation. 2nd decan, motivating projects that value you. 3rd decan, if empathy dominates, don’t be “too” nice.

Form : satisfactory.


October 23-November 21

Love : 1st decan, clever friends, with sharp advice (the 4th). 2nd decan, don’t feel challenged by the mood swings of your loved one (the 5th). 3rd decan, if the desires are strong (the 3rd), their too brutal expression offends you (the 6th). You might prefer to retreat to your loved ones to reassure you (the 7th).

Job: 1st decan, in reflection. 2nd decan, let the boss do it! 3rd decan, partnerships at a standstill.

Form : 3rd decan, recharge your batteries.


November 22-December 21

Love : 1st decan, devilishly attractive on the 7th: you would melt an ice cube. Dare to reveal your feelings. 2nd decan, benevolent and tolerant. 3rd decan, solo, the 8th is deliciously dissipated. Don’t break too many hearts!

Job: 1st decan, do not listen to the inspectors of finished works, who have a field day from the 5th. 2nd decan, cultivate enthusiasm within your team. 3rd decan, hard at work? Don’t make yourself sick, take some distance.

Form : worry-free.


December 22-January 19

Love : 1st decan, the 9th, torn between spontaneity and restraint. Your clumsiness is forgiven. 2nd decan, improvise the 5th! 3rd decan, in a couple, the Other is very caring, intense (the 6th), poetic (the 7th) and reassuring in moments of doubt (the 9th). Solo, fullness of carnal ties.

Job: 1st decan, tireless curiosity. 2nd decan, assertive. 3rd decan, power of work, capacity for exceptional achievement, despite obstacles.

Form : 3rd decan, deep regeneration.


January 20-February 18

Love : 1st decan, on a very cerebral slope. And why not ? 2nd decan, the loved one is brilliant. His ardor and good humor will warm you up. 3rd decan, you need time and reflection; on the 7th, you refuse to let your loved ones – or a sensual passion – dictate your conduct.

Job: 1st decan, calm. 2nd decan, the 5th, beware of susceptibilities and ego quarrels. 3rd decan, family team atmosphere… which goes bad on the 9th: beware of manipulation.

Form : 3rd decan, rest.


February 19-March 19

Love : 1st decan, in a Relationship, your other half is very organized but lacks a bit of fantasy on the 4th. 2nd decan, contemplated, listening to the rough edges of the soul on the 5th. 3rd decan, words that encourage love on the 6th. A magical atmosphere on the 7th, couples are more close than ever. The 9, a devouring passion for some.

Job: 1st decan, clairvoyant and professional associates. 2nd decan, pleasant daily work. 3rd decan, inspired on the 8th.

Form : 3rd decan, sensuality.

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The weekly horoscope from August 3 to 9, 2022

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