Here are 4 useful approaches to manage your anxiety effectively

Do you feel overwhelmed and consumed by anxiety? Do you worry about the future or dwell on negative thoughts from the past? Everyone experiences these worries to some degree, but when the anxiety becomes too debilitating, it’s important to take steps to regain control.

In this article, we’ll look at practical strategies that have worked for people who struggle with similar feelings of overwhelm. We’ll cover four specific approaches that can help. If your current experience of anxiety is dominating your life and preventing you from living a full and meaningful life, keep reading!

Dealing with anxiety every time it arises is difficult, but the power to deal with it can change the balance forever.

In an article published on Insider, Dr. Wendy Suzuki, psychologist and neuroscientist, advises to learn to recognize our feelings of anxiety and use them to obtain concrete results. According to her, anxiety can be perceived in two ways: either it becomes a source of control and inspiration, or it escalates into hyperreactivity and immense uncertainty.

If managed properly, emotions such as distress, frustration, and irritation can be used as tools for creativity, innovation, collaboration, and problem solving. By connecting to our anxieties and directing their energy in a productive direction, we can unlock incredible inventions while cultivating emotional intelligence that improves well-being. Dr. Suzuki’s message is one of empowerment – ​​she reminds us that by harnessing our anxieties thoughtfully, we can take great strides toward achieving exceptional goals.

Here are in detail the 4 approaches to be determined in a situation of anguish or anxiety.

This is one of the most important steps in managing our anxiety. It can help us put things into perspective and give us the space we need to clarify how we feel and why it is happening. Stepping back means taking a moment to stop, reflect, and process our thoughts and feelings before reacting. It can help us recognize if our anxiety is real or just an emotional reaction. Often, when we take a step back, we become aware of the irrational nature of some of our fears, which allows us to master them.

  • Focus on solutions:

It can be tempting to ruminate on all the things that could go wrong, but it’s important to focus on what we can do right now to make things better. It is essential to propose specific actions that will allow us to achieve our goal or our resolution. Moving forward in small steps keeps us from getting overwhelmed and gives us the momentum to make those goals ultimately achievable.

  • Practice mindfulness activities:

Such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or other physical activities, can be extremely helpful in reducing stress and calming feelings of anxiety. When anxious thoughts arise, focusing on your breathing allows you to be present in the moment and distract your mind from fear-based thoughts that may be playing in the background. Mindfulness activities allow you to anchor and connect, which allows you to know yourself better and to clearly identify the origin of your anxieties.

  • Rethink your actions by drawing inspiration from those around you:

Taking the example of the people we love and admire allows us to rethink our actions and realign them with what would make us happiest. This is certainly true for anxiety, where it can be helpful to observe how those we hold in high esteem deal with their own sources of discomfort. Through this process, we can highlight the aspects of the tasks that require our attention, while noting the times when fear should not get the better of us. This comparison has the power to change our approach and offer new perspectives on our activities, which ultimately allows us to move forward with confidence in a world free from paralyzing worries.

Seeking different perspectives gives us new ideas about how to deal with certain issues differently while providing emotional support through meaningful relationships with family members or friends who understand how we feel. These relationships provide an opportunity for self-reflection and self-motivation by showing how others have faced similar challenges before you, giving you hope that you, too, can manage your own anxieties successfully over time. time.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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Here are 4 useful approaches to manage your anxiety effectively

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