Astrology: What will be the atmosphere of the week from August 1 to 7, 2022?


As the month of August arrives, what does the alignment of the planets have in store for you throughout the coming week?

This summer, Paris Match invites you to meet every Sunday to predict the general atmosphere of the week that will follow, ie the “mood” of the coming days, in order to prepare you for the obstacles and opportunities of the days to come. Meeting with Miss Lilyastrologer, tarologist and author of “Astro-crystals: How to use the power of the stars to maximize the influence of your crystals”. What will be the atmosphere during this week from Monday August 1 to Sunday August 7, 2022, Lili?

A rock’n roll start to the week

The beginning of the week begins once again very strong with a triple conjunction between Mars, Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. As a reminder, Mars is the planet of action, assertiveness, anger, motivations and energy. Uranus is the planet of non-conformism and originality, of everything that will represent chaos, unexpected events, surprises and life changes. Finally, the North Node is an astrological factor directly linked to the notion of karma, to our past lives.

This triple combination is very electrifying. It will make it possible to break old patterns of thought, to provoke a form of chaotic energy which will certainly bring revelations and a certain instability, but also allow us to get rid of the chains that linked us to the past. Like a spark that will allow things to move forward, a pressure inside you that will grow to move forward. Even if the process is chaotic, it is going to be revealing. All of these new experiences may seem a bit scary, but necessary. Above all, don’t be afraid.

Of course, this phenomenon will arise on a different scale according to each person. For some, it will be a new haircut that they have never tried, for others it will be a question of leaving their spouse. In any case, it’s a new start, we’re trying something different, but at least we’re trying. At the start of the week, you will have all the energy and intensity to do so. The North Node can even cause a form of obsession. This is why it is important not to get too tired, and I am speaking particularly to those who tend not to listen to themselves and to be conducive to burnout. Also, be careful not to make too hasty decisions.

It softens on Tuesday

On Tuesday, the planet Venus in Cancer comes to the rescue to calm things down and bring much softer energy. She comes to support the change, collaborates with our “new us”. It will also help us find new ways to have fun and experience pleasure. It will help connect us to our new person. For singles, this is the perfect time. Venus stimulates and brings pleasant surprises.

An exhilarating Thursday

On Thursday August 4, Mercury (the planet of communication, intellect, speech, thought, rationality) leaves the blazing fire sign of Leo to enter the sign of Virgo. Mercury, who is the patron of Gemini and Virgo, thus enters its own sign. The atmosphere is exalted and happy. It’s time to clear your head, do some good, plan things out, get organized, and get your mind straight. This alignment of planets will allow us to establish strategies in an effective way, to have a better faculty of analysis and many resources to carry out our objectives. Be careful, however, not to fall into perfectionism or excessive attention to detail.

A weekend that oscillates between two atmospheres

Two completely different aspects await us for the weekend. The first is a very beautiful aspect between Venus in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces. Venus is the planet of love, pleasure, beauty, arts and creativity. Neptune instead revolves around spirituality, empathy, compassion and the desire to be with the people you love, to merge with the other. This trine develops a form of unconditional love during the weekend, but also the dream. We are in a very aquatic atmosphere. Water symbolizes emotion. We are therefore in the imagination, the dreams, the intuition. We will connect to the water element. You can do it physically by going to the spa or bathing.

The weekend will also be oriented towards spirituality, meditation, arts and creativity as well as meditation. This soft aspect of water will help us, because Saturday and Sunday have another harder aspect in store for us, which will occur between Mars and Saturn. Mars – which is the inner little warrior – is in Taurus. He wants to move on and do things when he wants, where he wants. But he finds himself blocked by Saturn, the planet of time, responsibility and inner structure. This will prevent some people who are too impulsive from making too hasty decisions. Which is quite positive. We will find it easier to assess our priorities, to become aware of the pressure inside us. This is an opportunity to ask the question: what is most important to me? Go ahead or take the time to structure myself?

This choice to be made will of course cause a feeling of tension inside oneself. But by making a wise choice, this pressure will ease. You can also feel pressed for time this weekend. We will have to take the time, become aware and learn to manage our obligations by working within our limits. This awareness will also do good! You have to accept deadlines to accomplish something, make efforts over the long term. So we assess the emergencies and calm down.

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Astrology: What will be the atmosphere of the week from August 1 to 7, 2022?

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