Marine Le Pen “mediocre and very party girl” student: this embarrassing testimony to her past

On September 1, 2022, the word “back to school” is on everyone’s lips. The opportunity to look back on the years of political students, starting with the president of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen.

There would be a lot to say about the youth of politicians. Let’s start with that of the president of the National Rally, told in The real Marine Le Pen by Renaud Dély, published in 2017 by Plon. Contrary to what one might think, the youngest of the frontist clan did not not a model student who knew from the start that she would make politics her profession. Jean-Claude Martinez, professor of public law at Assas University when Marine Le Pen was there, even remembersa student “poor” and “very party girl”much more interested in bars and young men than in legal texts.

Renaud Dély retraces them “club nights” of the future presidential candidate, during which she “gets drunk on champagne”. In Politics in spite of itself, the hidden youth of Marine Le Pen (ed. La Tengo, 2017), journalists David Doucet and Mathieu Dejean tell us that during her studies, the future lawyer was “A regular at nightclubs”. In particular at the Bains Douches, in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris, where she “likes to strut among celebrities”, says one of her best friends at the time, Marie d’Herbais. The testimonies obtained by the duo of journalists all describe a young woman who “go out a lot, smoke a lot”and also goes very regularly to Keur Samba, the “Best Afro nightclub in Paris”where she dances zouk. Amazing.

>> PHOTOS – Marine Le Pen: discover the stars who have opted for shared life like her

A young party girl, very far from politics

At the time, the young woman of barely 20 years old had the ambition to pass the bar to become a lawyer. Politics was not yet part of his plans, recalls Carl Lang, an activist with the National Front since 1978. “Marine didn’t want to play politics. She considered her name, Le Pen, a burden, an obstacle to personal fulfillment and above all professional”, specifies the current MEP. The attraction towards politics is still strong since in 1991, Marine Le Pen presents herself on the list of the National Center for Students in Paris, to consolidate the presence of Lepenists in universities.

But family pressure and extremely militant career of his older sister, Marie-Caroline Le Pen, end up overcoming the prejudices of the young Navy. Thus, from 1989, the future heiress of the FN appeared on the party list for the municipal elections of Saint-Cloud, then in 1993, legislative candidate in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. Very quickly, she was also mandated by her father to represent him overseas during the electoral campaigns.

Today, Marine Le Pen is at the head of the largest group of far-right deputies of the party’s history.

Photo credits: AGENCY / BESTIMAGE

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Marine Le Pen “mediocre and very party girl” student: this embarrassing testimony to her past

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