Horoscope November 2022: predictions – Châtelaine

November will prompt us to deep reflection and important inner work. At the beginning of the month, on November 8, the powerful full moon in Taurus will coincide with a total lunar eclipse which will mark the culmination of the projects started in April and, more generally, of the period of changes that are occurring in your life. since November 2021. The reality could then jump out at you: be ready!

In the middle of the month, the influence of Sagittarius will be optimal since Venus enters this sign on November 15, followed by Mercury on November 17 and the Sun on November 22. The November 23 new moon, which will also take place in Sagittarius, will awaken our desire for discovery and adventure. The house of Sagittarius in your chart is definitely one to watch this month.

Finally, on November 23, Jupiter will enter Pisces and will only end its stay there the following month. Read your November horoscope to learn more and satisfy your curiosity.

I strongly recommend that you read the horoscope of your ascendant first. If you don’t know it, you can read the horoscope of your sun sign (if you were born during the day) or your moon sign (if you were born at night). If you want to know your ascendant, you can find it online by visiting astro.com or by downloading an app such as Time Nomad. You will need your date and place of birth as well as the exact time of your birth. Obviously, you can read the horoscope of all the signs and follow all the advice that seems relevant to you. You can also visit charmastrology.com.

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The new relationships (personal or professional) that you made in April will bear full fruit this month. Become aware of the journey you’ve made to get here and make sure you don’t fall back into old relationship traps. Also, be sure to fully understand the new tools available to you. They will help you be more creative and make decisions that work best for you.


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Your daily fatigue can be a sign of exhaustion. Sometimes this state looks like boredom, but most of the time it hides a deep and persistent dissatisfaction. Rather than beating yourself up and avoiding the real sources of your problems, focus on your well-being this month, including getting rid of any self-destructive behavior that might be keeping you from feeling good.


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Creativity doesn’t happen on demand. Ideas sometimes germinate when we indulge in daydreaming, when we forget reality, even when we ruminate or brood. Indeed, setting yourself the goal of being creative and getting to work is not necessarily the best way to achieve your goals. This month, give yourself the inner space you need to unleash your creative flow. The absence of intellectual and emotional constraints will benefit you, especially if you are feeling particularly uninspired these days. Promote calm around you.


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The month of November will be an opportunity for you to confront your past, to accept it and to take advantage of it. But be careful, avoid getting bogged down in memories. Nostalgia could make you listless and miss the opportunity to lust after new dreams and contemplate a new future. Tame your fears. Don’t try to hide them by force of will, because they’ll probably come back to haunt you. To move forward, it is not a question of forgetting the past: it is necessary to be able to assume it.


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Life is made up of a variety of events, each having a beginning and, inevitably, an end. In November, consider your life as a musical piece of which you know neither the beginning nor the end, a piece with furious measures and others infinitely soft. A piece of music is not only made up of highlights! It’s a succession of skilfully linked highs and lows. The same is true of life: it must be considered as a whole since each element, even the smallest, has its role.


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We cannot deny that it takes money to maintain a certain level of comfort and stability in life. With the rising cost of living, it’s easy to get trapped into constantly budgeting to make ends meet. If you can afford it, take the time to forget about your finances in November and reflect on what matters to you, the values ​​and principles that give meaning to your life. In turn, your relationship with money could require less energy and psychological effort. Only then can you really assess what really matters to you.


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If you had a makeover last year, you will be delighted this month. You will be rewarded for the enormous efforts you have made to get to know yourself better. Your true self will finally be able to blossom. November will also allow you to nurture new friendships and mourn old relationships. You will experience new suffering, but it will be accompanied by the pleasure of living your life without pretense or half-truths.


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Mirrors do not always reflect a faithful image of reality. In November, take the time to notice all those distorting mirrors around you. Understand “mirrors” in the broad sense, since people, situations, beliefs, among others, can also distort reality. Living in the middle of these mirrors can harm your search for the truth, but you will not lose if you remain vigilant: you will learn to show more rigorous discernment.


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There will be so much to do this month! You will probably devote yourself body and soul to your projects, activities, responsibilities, relationships and obligations. Some tasks will be enjoyable, others a bit frustrating, but they will certainly take up a lot of your time. You could easily be overwhelmed and not up to the job. Whenever possible, be sure to prioritize projects that promote your well-being. But, sometimes, there are unavoidable things: you have to assume your responsibilities. You will find the necessary resources by not losing sight of the glow of joy in your hectic life.


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For you, the month of November will be a time for healing your inner child, joy and play. You have set out to alter the course of the life you believed you were destined for. Like many, you had to moderate your lifestyle. Stop evaluating who you are based on the goods you own but on the joy that drives you and your pleasure in living. Aren’t you trying to enjoy life pleasantly? Isn’t that your goal, even during hard times and bad times? If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing, ask yourself why you’re doing it.


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Sometimes absence and distance remind you of what you care about most. This month, try to figure out what “home” means to you. Is it a place? For example, the one where you keep the material goods necessary for your comfort? Is it more the place where the people you love live or the land of your ancestors? If you are far from home, physically or otherwise, try to reproduce this feeling that is dear to you, try to feel “at home”.


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This month, your life will inevitably revolve around the theme of impermanence. Although this is a serious and potentially difficult subject, try to approach the month of November with a light heart and an open and creative mind. Include artistic activities in your agenda (literature, music, cinema, etc.). It will help you see the fleeting side of life from a different perspective. Let November not be a month of despair, but rather a month of compassion for the universal experience of death. Open your heart.

We want to give thanks to the author of this write-up for this outstanding web content

Horoscope November 2022: predictions – Châtelaine

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