Yoga: postures to detoxify your liver

Generally speaking, yoga takes care of all our organs. Simply bringing awareness to breathing, how to move, and exploring postures is beneficial for the body. Breathing is the foundation of yoga. Conscious breathing brings concentration and allows us to “be” fully. Finally, don’t forget that movement is life, and life circulates within us, it is called “prana”, vital energy. By practicing asanas (Sanskrit word for physical posture) we stimulate our energy and redirect it where it needs to flow ” remember Tatiana Orlhac fitness & wellness coach and yoga teacher.

What are the physical signs the pains of once in distress?

Tatiana Orlhac: “If the energy of the liver is not harmonized then it will follow muscle stiffness, insomnia, headaches, irritability or even anger. If you experience anger, accept it and transform it into greater love and overcoming your fears. And above all, move and express yourself at the right time! »

Tatiana’s concept combines rejuvenating and dynamic activities to free yourself from daily stress. From breathing to relaxation through the commitment of the center (Pilates), yoga offers, beyond taking care of your liver with the 5 postures that she advises you in this article, a bubble of physical and mental well-being. Tatiana Orlhac helps you “Discover a new way to shape your body through movement to feel better. I am constantly looking for balance. Body/mind work can help you do this. she explains.

Yoga: postures to detoxify your liver

In a standing position, place your feet the width of your bowl and create a bounce from anchoring your feet. Seek to vibrate, shake your whole body. Also shake your arms, and your hands forward, to the sides and to the sky. Exhale through your mouth, shout (if you need to and the environment is right). Then enter your twists from right to left by letting go of your arms. Stay in these vibrations between 3 and 5 minutes to discharge the overflow. Then take the time for your verticality in contemplation and the feeling of your energy which circulates everywhere.

Yoga: postures to detoxify your liver

In a seated position, with your legs bent, place your soles of the foot against each other and release your body forward. If you feel you need support, use cushions or a block under the head. Stay tuned to everything that passes through you, without wanting to grasp or ignore. If you feel caught up in your thoughts then lengthen your breaths. Hold for 5 minutes. Then infuse while lying on your back with your arms along your body and your legs in line.

Yoga: postures to detoxify your liver

Come on all fours facing your mat. Place the right foot outside the right hand then position your right hand inside your leg in order to seek external rotation in it. Visualize the color green or a beautiful green landscape. Green is connected to the wood element and to the meridian of liver. Stay 3 minutes then take the time to change sides. Integrate by placing yourself in a child’s pose for a few moments.

Yoga: postures to detoxify your liver

Lie on your back with your arms open at shoulder height. Bring your knees to your chest then drop them to one side while rolling your head in opposition. Hold for 3 minutes on one side then 3 minutes on the other. Finally, lay down entirely on the back.

Yoga: postures to detoxify your liver

L’eye is the orifice of the liver so I thought it might be interesting to introduce you to this practice.Trataka cleans the eye, improves visual abilities and develops concentration. You need to place a candle at eye level. Sit about 30 centimeters from the flame and stare at the candle without blinking. If you have one or more tears appearing then close your eyes while continuing to visualize the flame. Do the exercise between 10 and 20 minutes. You can do it from this routine. Simply, avoid the evening to be able to sleep!


Tatiana Orlhac, Fitness & well-being coach / Yoga teacher / Thai massage

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