What are the best sports to boost your libido?

To go up to the curtains or activate your libido, nothing better than sport!

We finally found the study that will motivate us to keep our good sports resolutions this year. The company Myprotein, specializing in sports nutrition, has just published a ranking of the different sports and their influence on our intimate lives. For this, the study interviewed nearly 3,000 athletes across Europe to understand the impact of their sport on their love life. Tina M. Penhollowprofessor of exercise science, and Antonia Hall, an intimate health educator, also joined the study. And here are the 10 sports that have the biggest impact on performance in bed!

1. Dancing makes you more confident

According to the study, dancers have the most fulfilled intimate life: they make love 12 times a month and reach orgasm more frequently than any other athlete. Tina says, “Dancing has been shown to promote feelings of desire and sensuality. Indeed, the skills and coordination required build confidence in your own abilities.”

2. Yoga and pilates to boost libido

Yoga is the number one sport for increasing your self-confidence and libido. No wonder yogis have the most orgasms (4.3 per month). Regular yoga practice increases balance and flexibility, “which can lead to new positions while helping to prevent injury,” Antonia said, “yoga practitioners are often comfortable and more present in their body, which can also increase libido and sensuality.”

Yoga has been shown to improve flexibility more than any other sport. Tina added, “Yoga can really increase body awareness, vibration, physical strength and flexibility.”

3. Tennis for more frequent orgasms

Two-thirds (66%) of tennis players say that training allows them to orgasm more often (they are in second place in this category). Antonia explains, “Tennis provides all the benefits you need to be your best sex. It builds strength, balance, cardio and naturally increases feel-good hormones.”

4. Bodybuilding to be more efficient.

52% of people who do strength training said it improved their performance. Tina added, “Strength training improves libido by promoting testosterone production and increasing desire.”

5. Ditto for football

Football is the number one sport to increase your performance. It’s a great cardio workout that increases strength and balance needed in bed. Tina said: “Research suggests that women find football to be one of the most captivating sports to watch.”

6. Swimming to disconnect in bed

More than half (55%) of swimmers said it improved their orgasms. Tina tells us, “A regular swim routine builds strong, lean muscles and leads to better endurance, stress reduction, and mental clarity, which boosts your ability to stay present and have fun during intimacy.”

7. The bike to tickle your hormones

80% of cyclists declare that their sport has had a positive impact on their intimate life. “Cyclists build lower body strength, which allows them to explore many positions. Cycling also provides hormonal benefits and mental clarity known to increase intimate pleasure,” Tina added.

8. Golf for more legs in the air

The survey revealed that golfers have sex more than others (13.3 times per month on average). Antonia says, “Golf provides hormonal benefits, stress reduction and mental clarity, all associated with better performance.”

9. Running for a more fulfilling intimate life

79% of runners said their sport had a positive impact on their intimate life, but it was also found to be the best sport for losing weight. Tina told us, “Running increases testosterone and libido levels, leading to more desire and stronger orgasms. Studies have shown that couples who run together have sex more frequently.”

10. Walking or hiking for more flexibility

Almost nine in 10 French people (89%) say that walking or hiking makes them feel healthier. 42% said it improved their flexibility and mobility during sex.

Antonia commented, “Walking or hiking imparts a sense of independence and a sense of accomplishment. Exploring new places can help build self-confidence, improve happiness and satisfaction.”


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What are the best sports to boost your libido?

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