Eye Yoga: Regain the sight of your 20s with these daily exercises – Media Patrollers

the Yoga for the eyes is also known more simply as eye yoga. What is it? Simple exercises to strengthen the structure of the eye and improve certain eye pathologies, such as dry eye.

The website yoga exercises for the eyes also known as eye yoga are movements that aim to strengthen and condition the muscles of the eye structure. The goal? To improve vision, treat dry eye symptoms and reduce eye fatigue.

There is no evidence that eye yoga can actually correct problems such as astigmatism or nearsightedness, but that does not mean that these exercises are ineffective and completely useless.

What are the benefits of eye yoga?

The benefits of eye yoga are very varied. In some cases these exercises seem to help, while in others they do not. Let’s discover together all the possible benefits of yoga for the eyes.

Effective for glaucoma

Some claim that yoga exercises for the eyes can help reduce intraocular pressure (PIO) inside the eye. This could slow the progression of glaucoma, a condition that erodes the optic nerve.

A 2018 study on theInternational Journal of Yoga gathered evidence to support that eye yoga may work to lower IOP. So far, however, no clinical studies have been conducted to prove this theory.

Yoga for the eyes after cataract surgery

Some people claim that these exercises are effective after cataract surgery as it can help rebuild eye strength.

For tired eyes

Eye yoga can help prevent and relieve symptoms of eye strain. A study in 60 nursing students showed that 8 weeks of practice made the eyes feel less tired and tired.

Eye fatigue being linked to stress, the practice of yoga for the eyes can have a double effect: on the one hand, by stimulating the muscles that move the eyes and making them stronger and, on the other hand, by reducing the level stress and helping to stay centered and focused.

Does eye yoga really work? Studies and research

Although much research is still needed to back up the many claims about the benefits of eye yoga, a large number of studies demonstrate its real effectiveness.

Eye yoga involves focusing on near and far objects. It’s also about moving the eyes left, up, right, and down; these movements of concentration and this muscular training have two objectives:

  • first of all, they have a calming effect
  • on the other hand, they can help improve your brain’s response to how it interprets what you see, even if your eyes tend to send what are called “refractive errors” that make images difficult to distinguish. You may not see better, but you may pay more attention to what you see.

This may be the reason why, in one study, no improvement in vision could be objectively measured, but participants who did these exercises saw more clearly.

Another study in 60 participants found that simple eye exercises improved reaction time to what the study group was observing. In other words, the eye exercises helped them identify what they were looking at more quickly.

eye exercises

Here are some yoga eye exercises you can try at home. Remember, however, that if you wear contact lenses or glasses, it is a good idea to remove them.

Orientation change

This exercise trains the eye muscles and improves ability to concentrate. Here’s how :

  • extend your left hand as far as possible and lift your thumb
  • Sit up straight with your eyes fixed in front of you. Focus your eyes on your thumb
  • slowly move your arm to the right as far as you can, following your thumb with your eyes.
  • bring the arm back the other way, following the thumb to eye level, without moving the neck or chin.
  • repeat this movement several times.

eyes to the sky

This is another eye exercise designed to help with fatigue:

  • sit down and take a deep breath
  • slowly raise your eyes to the ceiling
  • after which, move your eyes to the right
  • then down and then left
  • Go back and look at the ceiling, then look straight ahead and breathe. Repeat several times before changing direction and moving your eyes counterclockwise.


Palming serves to provide relief and instill calm:

  • rub your hands together to warm them
  • rest them on your eyes
  • Place your fingertips on your forehead and don’t let your palms touch your eyes; they should be slightly away from your face, with your palms resting on or around your cheekbones.
  • Inhale slowly and clear your mind. Try not to think about anything else for several minutes while breathing deeply.

Eye health tips

In addition to trying eye yoga, there are many ways to maintain healthy eyes. Here are our tips:

  • Get your eyes checked regularly. This is essential for the early detection of conditions such as cataracts and glaucoma. After 60, you have to go to the ophthalmologist every year, even if you have perfect eyesight.
  • protect your eyes from ultraviolet rays by wearing sunglasses
  • if you work at a computer, take stock of your screen time and take 5-minute breaks every hour or so
  • drink plenty of water to keep your eyes hydrated
  • eating green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, as well as oranges and carrots
  • do not smoke or vape and avoid passive smoking.

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Eye Yoga: Regain the sight of your 20s with these daily exercises – Media Patrollers

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